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(list of spells)
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'''List of spells''' includes all the available spells in {{homm3}}. The list is sortable by name, level or class.
<span class='onlysod' style='display:none;'>Shadow of Death</span>
<span class='onlyhota' style='display:none;'>Horn of the Abyss</span>

{{Spell table}}
{{Spell table row|Bloodlust|1|Fire Magic|Increases target allied troop's, or at Expert level all allied troops', [[attack]] skill value for [[hand-to-hand]] attacks. Additionally, [[counter]]s [[Weakness]].}}
{{Spell table row|Cure|1|Water Magic|Removes all negative spell effects and heals either target allied troop or at Expert level all allied troops.}}
{{Spell table row|Curse|1|Fire Magic|Target enemy unit or at Expert level all enemy units inflict minimum damage when attacking.}}
{{Spell table row|Dispel|1|Water Magic|Removes all spell effects from target creature, or at Expert level all creatures on the battlefield.}}
{{Spell table row|Bless|1|Water Magic|Target allied creature, or at Expert level all allied creatures inflict maximum damage when attacking.}}
{{Spell table row|Haste|1|Air Magic|Target allied troop's, or at Expert level all allied troops', [[speed]] is increased.}}
{{Spell table row|Magic Arrow|1|All Schools|Causes damage to target enemy troop.}}
{{Spell table row|Protection from Fire|1|Fire Magic|Reduces damage from [[School of Fire Magic|fire magic]] spells for target allied troop, or at Expert level for all allied troops.}}
{{Spell table row|Protection from Water|1|Water Magic|Reduces damage from [[School of Water Magic|water magic]] spells for target allied troop, or at Expert level for all allied troops.}}
{{Spell table row|Shield|1|Earth Magic|Reduces [[hand-to-hand]] damage delivered to target allied troop, or at Expert level to all allied troops.}}
{{Spell table row|Slow|1|Earth Magic|Target enemy troop's, or at Expert level all enemy troops', [[speed]] is decreased.}}
{{Spell table row|Summon Boat|1|Water Magic|Summons an unoccupied [[boat]] next to hero.}}
{{Spell table row|Stone Skin|1|Earth Magic|Increases [[defence]] of unit}}
{{Spell table row|View Air|1|Air Magic|Reveals the location of all unclaimed [[artifacts]]}}
{{Spell table row|View Earth|1|Earth Magic|Reveals location of all [[resources]] to caster}}
{{Spell table row|Blind|2|Fire Magic|Unit cannot move until spell is removed or until unit is attacked<br />Unit retaliates at a reduced strength<br />[[Retaliation]] strength depends on skill level of caster}}
{{Spell table row|Death Ripple|2|Earth Magic|Damages all non-[[undead]] units}}
{{Spell table row|Disguise|2|Air Magic|Gives false information to an enemy attempting to view your hero}}
{{Spell table row|Disrupting Ray|2|Air Magic|Reduces the selected enemy's unit's [[defence]] strength.<br />A single enemy may be targeted multiple times by this spell}}
{{Spell table row|Fire Wall|2|Fire Magic|Wildfire appears on battlefield specified by caster<br />Units passing through it will take damage<br />Damage and size depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Fortune|2|Air Magic|Increases selected unit's [[luck]]}}
{{Spell table row|Ice Bolt|2|Water Magic|Damages unit with an ice bolt}}
{{Spell table row|Lightning Bolt|2|Air Magic|Damages unit with a lightning bolt}}
{{Spell table row|Precision|2|Air Magic|Increases the ranged attack [[damage]] of unit}}
{{Spell table row|Protection from Air|2|Air Magic|Reduces [[damage]] from air spells}}
{{Spell table row|Quicksand|2|Earth Magic|Places quicksand randomly around the battlefield<br />Only visible to caster and creatures native to terrian<br />Ends unit's turn if passing through the quicksand and makes it visible to all<br />No. of quicksands placed depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Remove Obstacle|2|Air Magic|Removes any normal obstacle(trees, rocks, etc.) of caster's choice<br />Advanced skill allow removal of fire walls}}
{{Spell table row|Scuttle Boat|2|Water Magic|Chance of destroying an unoccupied boat that you own<br />% chance depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Visions|2|All Schools|Displays enemy heros or creatures statistics as if they were your own troops depending on skill level.}}
{{Spell table row|Weakness|2|Water Magic|Reduces unit's [[attack]] strength}}
{{Spell table row|Air Shield|3|Air Magic|Reduces damage received from ranged attacks}}
{{Spell table row|Animate Dead|3|Earth Magic|Re-animates selected undead by retoring a fixed no. of hitpoints to unit<br />No. of hitpoint restored depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Anti-Magic|3|Earth Magic|Protects unit from spells<br />Level of spells protected from depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Destroy Undead|3|Air Magic|Damages all undead units}}
{{Spell table row|Earthquake|3|Earth Magic|Damages a no. of sections of castle wall at random<br />No. of sections and damage done depends on skill level of caster}}
{{Spell table row|Fireball|3|Fire Magic|Units within radius damaged by ball of fire (similar to [[Magog]]'s attack)}}
{{Spell table row|Force Field|3|Earth Magic|Places a force field on the battlefield specified by caster<br />Units cannot pass this field<br />Size of force field depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Forgetfulness|3|Water Magic|Unit forgets to use its ranged attack}}
{{Spell table row|Frost Ring|3|Water Magic|Damages units in range with a frost ring<br />Does not damage target [[hex]]}}
{{Spell table row|Hypnotize|3|Air Magic|Puts enemy unit temporarily under your control}}
{{Spell table row|Land Mine|3|Fire Magic|Places landmines on battlefield at random places<br />Only visible to caster and creatures native to the terrain<br />No. of mines placed and damage output depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Mirth|3|Water Magic|Unit's [[morale]] increases}}
{{Spell table row|Misfortune|3|Fire Magic|Unit's [[luck]] reduced}}
{{Spell table row|Protection from Earth|3|Earth Magic|Reduces damage recieved from [[earth spells]]}}
{{Spell table row|Teleport|3|Water Magic|Teleports a friendly unit to an unoccupied spot on the battlefield<br />If skill level is expert, units can be teleported over walls}}
{{Spell table row|Armageddon|4|Fire Magic|All units on battlefield take damage}}
{{Spell table row|Berserk|4|Fire Magic|Targeted unit attacks nearest unit, be it friend or foe}}
{{Spell table row|Chain Lightning|4|Air Magic|Damages units with lightning<br />Full damage on selected unit, then travels to nearest unit inflicting half damage, then again to nearest unit inflicting quarter damage etc.<br />No. of units hit depends on skill level<br />Can damage own troops}}
{{Spell table row|Clone|4|Water Magic|Duplicates a unit<br />Unit dispels once attacked<br />Level of unit able to be cloned depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Counterstrike|4|Air Magic|Retaliations per round increased<br />No. increased by depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Fire Shield|4|Fire Magic|Does not provide additional protection<br />Unit attacking through a fire shield will suffer damage proportional to its attack<br />Proportion inflicted depends on skill level of caster}}
{{Spell table row|Frenzy|4|Fire Magic|Unit has increased [[attack]] strength but zero [[defence]]<br />Increased [[attack]] is proportional to original [[defence]] stength<br />Proportion depends on skill level of caster}}
{{Spell table row|Inferno (spell)|4|Fire Magic|Damages unit within blast radius}}
{{Spell table row|Meteor Shower|4|Earth Magic|Causes damages via meteors within radius}}
{{Spell table row|Prayer|4|Water Magic|Unit's [[attack]], [[defence]] and [[speed]] increases}}
{{Spell table row|Resurrection|4|Earth Magic|Resurrects units in a selected group by restoring a fixed no. of hitpoints<br />No. of hitpoints restored depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Slayer|4|Fire Magic|Damage inflicted to [[Dragons]], [[Behemoth]]s and [[Hydra]]s increases for selected unit}}
{{Spell table row|Sorrow|4|Earth Magic|Reduces [[morale]] of unit}}
{{Spell table row|Town Portal|4|Earth Magic|Teleports your hero to a [[town]]<br />[[Town]] must be unoccupied<br />Caster can choose [[town]] to teleport to if skill level is at least advanced}}
{{Spell table row|Water Walk|4|Water Magic|Allows hero to walk across [[water]] as if it was land<br />Must end turn on dry land}}
{{Spell table row|Dimension Door|5|Air Magic|Once per day<br />Teleport hero to visible, unoccupied location on map}}
{{Spell table row|Fly|5|Air Magic|Hero can fly<br />Must end turn on land}}
{{Spell table row|Implosion|5|Earth Magic|Causes massive damage to unit}}
{{Spell table row|Magic Mirror|5|Air Magic|Chance of reflecting hostile spells towards a random enemy unit<br />Chances of success depends on skill level}}
{{Spell table row|Sacrifice|5|Fire Magic|Target non-[[undead]] troop is sacrificed in order to bring target dead troop back to life.}}
{{Spell table row|Summon Air Elemental|5|Air Magic|Summons a troop of [[Air Elemental]]s.}}
{{Spell table row|Summon Earth Elemental|5|Earth Magic|Summons a troop of [[Earth Elemental]]s.}}
{{Spell table row|Summon Fire Elemental|5|Fire Magic|Summons a troop of [[Fire  Elemental]]s.}}
{{Spell table row|Summon Water Elemental|5|Water Magic|Summons a troop of [[Water Elemental]]s.}}
{{Spell table row|Titan's Lightning Bolt|5|Air Magic|Does 600 damage. Requires [[Titan's Thunder]].}}

[[Category: Spells|*]]

Revision as of 04:34, 25 January 2024

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I have 2 bananas and 1 apple.