Archer and Marksman

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Castle creatures
Level 1
Pikeman Pikeman Pikeman
Halberdier Halberdier Halberdier
Level 2
Archer Archer
Marksman Marksman
Level 3
Griffin Griffin
Royal Griffin Royal Griffin
Level 4
Swordsman Swordsman
Crusader Crusader
Level 5
Monk Monk
Zealot Zealot
Level 6
Cavalier Cavalier
Champion Champion
Level 7
Angel Angel
Archangel Archangel
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
 Cost per troop 


Attack 6
Defense 3
Damage 2–3
Health 10
Speed 4
Movement Ground
Size 1
Shots 12
Growth 9
AI Value 126
 Special abilities:
Ranged attack
 Cost per troop 


Attack 6
Defense 3
Damage 2–3 (x2)
Health 10
Speed 6
Movement Ground
Size 1
Shots 24
Growth 9
AI Value 184
 Special abilities:
Ranged attack
Double attack
Archers' Tower  

Archer and Marksman are level 2 creatures of Castle recruited from Archers' Towers.

"Archers and marksmen are lightly armored troops armed with crossbows for ranged combat and daggers for light hand-to-hand fighting. Marksmen can get off two shots in each ranged attack." RoE manual

They are critical in the early game, together with the Griffins, due to them being almost the only Castle ranged attackers, having good damage and also the marksmen's twice shot. However, with each ranged attack, the Marksmen will use up two shots, not only one.

Heroes with a specialty
  • Valeska Valeska the Knight has archers as a specialty, which increases the attack and defense skills of any archer or marksman each level she attains after the 2nd level, and gives them a speed bonus of 1.

See also: