Devil and Arch Devil

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Revision as of 08:09, 27 November 2013 by Kapteeni Ruoska (talk | contribs)
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 Cost per troop 

1 Mercury + 2700

Attack 19
Damage 30–40
Health 160
Speed 11
Movement Ground
Size 1
Shots -
Growth 1
AI Value
 Special abilities:
-1 to enemey luck + no enemy retaliation + hates angels
Arch devil
File:Creature Arch devil.png
 Cost per troop 

2 Mercury + 4500

Attack 26
Damage 30–40
Health 200
Speed 17
Movement Ground
Size 1
Shots -
Growth 1
AI Value
 Special abilities:
-1 to enemey luck + no enemy retaliation + hates angels
File:Arch devil portrait.gif
File:Mini Portrait Arch devil.png

Devils and arch devils are level 7 creatures of inferno town. They are recruited from the forsaken palace.

Devils and arch devils can teleport to any hex on the battlefield. Their overwhelming attack leaves no possibility for a retaliatory strike. They also do 150% damage to angels and reduce enemy luck by one when they appear on the battlefield.

Template:Town creatures