Combat Screen Cursors
Click to move the highlighted walking or teleporting troop to this location.
Click to move the highlighted flying troop to this location.
Click on this enemy troop to have the highlighted troop perform a hand-to-hand attack. Note: As you move the cursor around the enemy, the sword points towards the enemy. The sword's pommel sits in the hex where the attacker will stand as it attacks. The cursor can point in any of the cardinal or ordinal directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW).
Click on this enemy troop to have the highlighted troop perform a ranged attack.
Click on this enemy troop to have the highlighted troop perform a hampered ranged attack. Attacks can be hampered by Range penalty or Obstacle penalty and do reduced damage.
Click to cast a selected spell at this target.
When you cast the Sacrifice spell, this cursor appears over a valid target troop.
If you have control of the Catapult during siege combat, this cursor appears over valid Catapult targets.
If you have control of the First Aid Tent, choose its target with this icon.
Appears when you cast the Teleport spell. To teleport the target to the new location, click the destination hex.
Appears when the cursor passes over a hero.
Appears over a creature troop to get more information about the troop.
Indicates an invalid target for a spell, or the highlighted creature cannot move to the desired location.
Ground-targeted Fireball attack by a Magog
Ground-targeted Death cloud attack by a Lich or Power Lich
Click on the friendly mechanical troop to have the Mechanic/Engineer repair it. Note: As you move the cursor around the troop, the wrench points towards the troop. The wrench's base sits in the hex where the Mechanic/Engineer will stand as it repairs. The cursor can point in any of the cardinal or ordinal directions (N, NE, E, SE, S, SW, W, NW).