Gem (resource)
File:Resource gems.png Gems are one of the four magical resources in Heroes (along with Crystal, Mercury and Sulfur). Gems are needed for several buildings, recruiting Giants, Titans, Angels, Archangels and Faerie Dragons. The primary source of Gems is the Gem Pond, which brings its owner 1 unit of Gems per day. You can also find Gems scattered around the land in small amounts (3-6 units of Gems per resource stack). Visiting a Mystical Garden once at week is a good idea, with a 50% chance of getting 5 Gems.
In the Tower town you can also build the Resource Silo which will bring you 1 Gem per day.
Saurug, a Battle Mage, is able to produce 1 additional Gem per day for the Kingdom he serves. Also, any hero equipped with the Ring of Infinite Gems gives you 1 Gem every day.