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{{inhota}}{{campaign navigational box|hota=expanded|hornoftheabyss=expanded}}
{{inhota}}{{campaign navigational box|hota=expanded|hornoftheabyss=expanded}}'''Heart of Water''' is the second scenario of the [[Horn of the Abyss (campaign)]] in {{hota}}{{-}}{{withhota}}.
== Campaign ==
| scenario      = {{PAGENAME}}
=== Prologue ===
| description    = Bidley must capture Coralgate town and escape the Plane of Water. Bidley must not be die. Hero level cap is 18. After victory, Bidley will move to the next scenario.
[[File:H3abdb2 (HotA).png|400px|thumb]]
| underground    = enabled
| num_play      = 3/1
| size          = L
| source        = hota
| victory        = get_town2
| victory_hint  = {{town|Conflux|noname=}} Coralgate
| loss          = hero
| loss_hint      = {{Hn|Bidley|noname=}}
| allies        = {{teal}}
| enemies        = {{---}}{{---}}1:{{blue}}{{green}}
| difficulty    = Normal
| bonus          = {{BonusCr|Sea Dog|3}}{{BonusArt|Cape of Silence}}{{BonusArt|Ring of Suppression}}
| carry          = {{Hn|Bidley|noname=}}
| max_lvl        = 18
| Cmap          = [[File:Cmap hota hota 2.png|400px|Bidley got trapped in the Pane of Water, but is not keen on staying here. The town of Coralgate is the only way out. Should the locals try to stop him, tough luck for them.]]

== Prologue ==
{{cvid|HotA 1.7.0-Data-HotA vid-HORN2-bik-HORN2|thumbtime=0:00|float=left}}
== Scenario ==
{{town|Cove|noname=}} Unnamed narrator: It will forever remain an enigma in [[Bidley]]'s mind whether the dream where he was breathing in water was prophetic or just a normal dream. Because now he was standing deep in water, breathing, and looking at fish and turtles swimming by.
=== Map description ===
=== Starting options ===


== Scenario ==
=== Timed events ===
=== Timed events ===
{{TErow| 1 | Day 1-1| [[Bidley]] could not understand where he found himself. Was he dead? The last thing he remembered was how he got drawn into some swirl. And now he was in this strange place with the rests of his team.<p>It seemed as if he was standing on the bottom of the sea. High above his head there were fish shoals and huge turtles swimming (or flying?). But it was not water all around. If it was water, he would not be able to breathe or move freely. As if the air around was viscous and humid like some extremely transparent liquid in which he could breathe.<p>There was a faded portal behind him. Somewhere on the other side of the portal there were [[Jeremy]], [[Tark]] and the cunning witch [[Casmetra]] with the Horn. Now [[Bidley]] realized – all of this was framed up by the witch so she could obtain the artifact! While [[Bidley]] was taken captive, he overheard [[Dargem]]. He got to know that [[Casmetra]] hired a [[mage]] to find the Horn but when he failed she threw him into a cavern. That is why he wanted to avenge himself on her and take the ancient relic. But [[Bidley]] should have thought about it earlier.</p>}}
{{TErow| 1 | Day 1-2| A strange creature was approaching to the troops of [[Bidley]]...Though, he already got to see some of this kind – it was a [[sprite]]. It was simply curious to see how she was flying across this local “air”.<p>{{Cn|Sprite}}: “Wow!” said the [[sprite]] in a ringing voice, “these must be primes!<p>{{Hn|Bidley|0=}}: “Where...where are we?” asked the confused pirate.<p>{{Cn|Sprite}}: “In the [[Plane of Water]]!” replied she laughing, “Isn’t it lovely here?”<p>{{Hn|Bidley|0=}}: “Lovely,” nodded [[Bidley]] bleakly, “but how do we get out of here?”<p>{{Cn|Sprite}}: “Well, it’s difficult. You need to ask [[Marinus]].”<p>{{Hn|Bidley|0=}}: “Where can I find him?”<p>{{Cn|Sprite}}: “There is a town near here – [[Saltwater]]. But primes are not admitted in there.”<p>{{Hn|Bidley|0=}}: “I will definitely be admitted,” said [[Bidley]] and set his sabre on the belt.<p>{{Cn|Sprite}}: “What a dreadful prime!” laughed the [[sprite]] again, “good luck, then. [[Saltwater]] is to the east from here.”</p>}}
{{TErow| 3 | Day 3| [[Bidley]] felt sick at heart. He brought his brother into this crazy scheme, and now he lost him. Is [[Jeremy]] alive still? But the pirate was sure he would certainly get out of this strange unfamiliar world and find his relative.}}
{{TErow| 8 | Day 8| [[Bidley]] entered a beautiful building of unknown architecture. It must have been a sort of a library. Neither were there torches nor candles illuminating the chamber but some strange orbs shimmering with bright whitish-blue light. The bookshelves groaning with books, stairs that reached the upper racks. For the rest, it was a typical library.<p>'''[[Marinus]]:''' “Who are you?” sounded a voice from darkness.<p>{{Hn|Bidley|0=}}: “I’m [[captain]] [[Bidley]],” answered the pirate and turned to where the voice came from, “and I’m looking for [[Marinus]].”<p>A strange creature came from darkness who looked like a human with no hair and covered with scales.<p>'''[[Marinus]]:''' “What do you need [[Marinus]] for, prime?” asked the creature.<p>{{Hn|Bidley|0=}}: “A [[sprite]] told me that he knows how to get out from the [[Plane of Water]].”<p>'''[[Marinus]]:''' “Well, she did not lie to you,” agreed the aboriginal, “I am [[Marinus]], the keeper of the library of [[Saltwater]].”<p>{{Hn|Bidley|0=}}: “Why do you call us “primes”?” asked [[Bidley]].<p>'''[[Marinus]]:''' “We call “primes” all the inmates of your world and the like. Yes, and do not stare at me. I am a [[merman]]. Our race is not so numerous but some clansmen of mine also live in your world.<p>A few minutes later, [[Bidley]] let his people go and [[Marinus]] and he sit down in armchairs.<p>'''[[Marinus]]:''' “You have arrived at ill times,” sighed the [[merman]], “at present the [[Elemental Lords]] are concerned with the war with [[Kreegan]]s in your world and are afraid of vengeance from their side. That is why it is difficult to get into any Plane, and so it is to get out. But you can wait till the war ends.”<p>{{Hn|Bidley|0=}}: “I don’t have time to wait,” sighed the pirate. “My brother may be in trouble. I’ve been betrayed, and now I want to wreak vengeance upon the betrayers.”<p>'''[[Marinus]]:''' “Then you do not have much of a choice,” said [[Marinus]] confusingly. “The closest way to your world is the portal in [[Coralgate]]. But [[Water Lord]] placed mighty guards there to avoid [[Kreegan]] invasions. They will not anyone in or out.<p>{{Hn|Bidley|0=}}: “If I have to fight, I am ready!” said [[Bidley]] with ardor.<p>'''Marinus:''' “Not only will you have to fight,” said the keeper shaking his head, “the [[Water Lord]] also foresaw the case if the guards fall. That is why the gates to [[Coralgate]] are locked with the Water Key, Mist Key and Ice Key. So is the entrance...</p>}}
{{TErow| 10 | Day 10| The [[merman]] said that the Ice Key can be found in the south-west and it is guarded by powerful icy dragons. And [[Bidley]] has limited resources: he has to tame creatures from the [[Plane of Water]]. Probably, it is better to look for the Mist and Water Keys first? They are guarded by the men of the [[Water Lord]]. If we can defeat them, we will be able to bring more creatures to our side.}}
{{TErow| 14 | Day 14| [[Bidley]] remembered his old dream. In this dream he is swimming in the water and can see through it extremely clearly as if it was air. Can it have been a prophetic dream that predicted his getting into the [[Plane of Water]]? These thoughts gave him shivers. “Stuff and nonsense! It’s just a coincidence,” though [[Bidley]] to compose himself. But deep inside he knew everything was not that easy at all. }}

=== Objects ===
=== Objects ===
==== Events ====
==== Events ====
{| class="sortable wikitable" cellpadding=5px
! Location
! Message
| style="text-align:center;" | 51, 107, 0
| style="padding-left:7px; padding-right:5px;" | Watching the water surface, you noticed a bottle floating nearby. You ordered the crew to fish it out and hoped for no evil spirits inside. Soon, one of the mates ran up to you and said:<p>“Incredible! Maybe it is a message from other prisoners of the plan?”<p>You snatched the bottle from him, it contained a piece of paper. After reading the message you realized it being horribly outdated.<p>“Author of this letter was [[Barsolar]], cousin of [[Immortal King]] and one of the greatest planar adventurers. He died a few decades ago on [[Enroth (planet)|Enroth]]… But if he once got out of here, so can we!”</p>
| style="text-align:center;" | 52, 8, 0
| style="padding-left:7px; padding-right:5px;" | [[Water Lord]] General guarding [[Coralgate]] referred to [[Bidley]] from the wall,
“Silly prime! What are you doing? You are weakening us conniving with [[Kreegan]]s. They are enemies not only to us but to you. What now? Are you going to assault this unwinnable fortress? You will now perish because of your foolishness!”<p>“But still I will take my chance of kicking you out of there and get home!” answered [[Bidley]] firmly.</p>
| style="text-align:center;" | 5, 40, 0
| style="padding-left:7px; padding-right:5px;" | Your crewmen got sight of a wreck, bodies floating by.
"Some of them poor buggers might have survived, Cap'n… We could use extra hands", uttered a young sailor.
"Right, matey", you agreed. "Set course to the wreck!"<p>But on closer inspection, all the bodies were already ripe, festering under the sun. You commanded to depart immediately, but apparently the dead were up to shenanigans.<p><center>'''Guardians:''' 200 {{Cn|Walking Dead}}, 50 {{Cn|Zombie|name=Zombies}}</center></p>

==== Towns ====
{{town header}}
{{town row|23, 48, 0|blue|Conflux}}
{{town row|52, 7, 0|blue|Conflux|[[Coralgate]]}}
{{town row|86, 50, 0|blue|Conflux}}
{{town row|84, 98, 0| |Conflux|nofort=y}}

==== Heroes ====
{{hero header}}
{{hero row|46, 91, 0|teal|Bidley|Captain}}
{{hero row|24, 49, 0|blue|Ciele|Elementalist|image=Ciele (HotA)}}
{{hero row|52, 7, 0|blue|Lacus|Planeswalker}}
{{hero row|87, 51, 0|blue|Kalt|Planeswalker|image=Kalt (HotA)}}

==== Seer's Huts ====
{{SorQrow|seer=w|loc=26, 13, 0|quest=Return with:<br>{{An|Ladybird of Luck}}</br>|rew={{An|Crown of the Supreme Magi}}|prop=Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items.  I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done.  If you could bring me, the Ladybird of Luck, you would be well rewarded.|comp=Ah, exactly what I needed!  Here is the reward I promised.  You still wish to trade the Ladybird of Luck, yes?}}
{{SorQrow|seer=w|loc=36, 100, 0|quest=Return with:<br>{{An|Ring of the Wayfarer}}</br>|rew={{An|Tunic of the Cyclops King}}|prop=Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items.  I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done.  If you could bring me, the Ring of the Wayfarer, you would be well rewarded.|comp=Ah, exactly what I needed!  Here is the reward I promised.  You still wish to trade the Ring of the Wayfarer, yes?}}
{{SorQrow|seer=4|loc=99, 83, 0|quest=Return with:<br>{{An|Pendant of Life}}</br>|rew={{An|Ogre's Club of Havoc}}|prop=Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items.  I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done.  If you could bring me, the Pendant of Life, you would be well rewarded.|comp=Ah, exactly what I needed!  Here is the reward I promised.  You still wish to trade the Pendant of Life, yes?}}
{{SorQrow|seer=1|loc=99, 83, 0|quest=Return with:<br>{{An|Runes of Imminency}}</br>|rew={{An|Targ of the Rampaging Ogre}}|prop=Long ago, powerful wizards were able to create magical artifacts, but time has caused us to forget how to make new items.  I would like to learn these techniques myself, but I need one of these artifacts first to see how it was done.  If you could bring me, the Runes of Imminency, you would be well rewarded.|comp=Ah, exactly what I needed!  Here is the reward I promised.  You still wish to trade the Runes of Imminency, yes?}}

==== Quest Guards ====
{{SorQrow|guard=w|loc=10, 49, 0|quest=Be:<br>{{teal}}</br>|prop=The guards here say they will only let those who fly the teal flag pass.|prog=The guards here will only let those who fly the teal flag pass.|comp=The guards note your teal flag and offer to let you pass.  Do you accept?}}
{{SorQrow|guard=1|loc=10, 91, 0<br>94, 46, 0|quest=Be:<br>{{teal}}</br>|prop=The guards here say they will only let those who fly the teal flag pass.|prog=The guards here will only let those who fly the teal flag pass.|comp=The guards note your teal flag and offer to let you pass.  Do you accept?}}

[[Category: Campaign scenarios]]
[[Category: Campaign scenarios]]
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