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=== Undead ===
=== Undead ===

Skeletons, Zombies, Wights, Vampires, Liches, Black Knights, Death Knights, Bone Dragons, and Ghost Dragons.
Skeletons, Zombies, Wights, Vampires, Liches, Black Knights, Dread Knights, Bone Dragons, and Ghost Dragons.

=== Non-undead ===
=== Non-undead ===

Revision as of 09:37, 4 October 2016

Undead is not the same as unliving.

Undead: Creatures risen from dead, i.e., all Necropolis creatures Unliving: Creatures that are animated via magic, i.e., Gargoyles are golems

This seems only a statement, which has already been covered in Undead and Non-living articles. Or was there some kind of link to this article? –Kapteeni Ruoska (talk) 08:33, 12 July 2016 (CEST)
I second this. Undead is not the same thing as unliving and the article presents them as equivalents which might be very misleading. People might take this as a fact and might not check the respective sections covering the two topics. I suggest removing the sentence entirely.
The description is redundant when it says, "Undead or unliving," as all Undead creatures are unliving.
There are two distinct groups: undead and non-undead.
Within the non-undead group there are two more distinct groups: living and non-living(unliving).
--imahero 14:36, 3 October 2016 (CEST)

From the Restoration of Erathia manual

Hero Types


Alchemists are skilled in physical and chemical magic, particularly so in the building and animation of golems. Working their craft builds muscular strength, which makes Alchemists ready learners of military skills as well. Their armor is composed of rare metal alloys created through their skill in alchemy.

Death Knights

Death Knights are knights resurrected as liches. While they maintain their former martial learnings, their new forms open them more freely to the learning of magic.


Necromancers are magic users seduced by the easy power of death magic. The price of their art is its practice slowly drains life from its wielders—eventually transforming them into liches.



When the hero wins in battle, a portion of the opposition killed is resurrected as skeletons and added to the hero’s army.

Basic 10% of enemy creatures killed are resurrected. Advanced 20% of enemy creatures killed are resurrected. Expert 30% of enemy creatures killed are resurrected.


Each army has a morale rating which acts as a bonus to the individual morale of its troops. Troops in an army with positive morale have a chance for a second action during their action phase. Troops with negative morale have a chance of freezing each round. The morale rating for an army is normally zero but is affected thusly:

-1 if undead creatures are mixed with living creatures
+1 if all creatures are of the same town type (except Necropolis)
-1 for each town type mixed beyond two town types

Undead creatures and elementals have a morale of zero, independent of their army’s morale rating. Various creatures, spells, hero skills, town buildings, adventure sites, and artifacts can permanently, or temporarily affect morale.


Destroy Undead

Basic Effect All undead creature troops receive ((Power x 10) +10) damage. Advanced Effect All undead creature troops receive ((Power x 10) +20) damage. Expert Effect All undead creature troops receive ((Power x 10) + 50) damage.

Death Ripple

Basic Effect All creatures (except undead) troops take ((Power x 5) + 10) damage. Advanced Effect All creatures (except undead) troops take ((Power x 5) + 20) damage. Expert Effect All creatures (except undead) troops take ((Power x 5) + 30) damage.

Animate Dead

Basic Effect Reanimates ((Power x 50) + 30) health points worth of killed undead creatures in target, allied troop. Advanced Effect Reanimates ((Power x 50) + 60) health points worth of killed undead creatures in target, allied troop. Expert Effect Reanimates ((Power x 50) + 160) health points worth of killed undead creatures in target, allied troop.


Basic Effect Target, allied troop with dead creatures has ((Power x 50) + 40) health worth of creatures restored to life for the duration of the current battle. Advanced Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that ((Power x 50) +80) health worth of creatures are restored permanently. Expert Effect Same as Advanced Effect, except that ((Power x 50 + 160) health worth of creatures are restored.


Basic Effect Target, non-undead troop is sacrificed (destroyed). Then another target dead troop has ((Power + Destroyed Troop’s Creature Base Health + 3) x # of Creatures Sacrificed) in health total of creatures returned to life. Advanced Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that health total of creatures resurrected is ((Power + Destroyed Troop’s Creature Base Health + 6) x # of Creatures Sacrificed). Expert Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that health total of creatures resurrected is ((Power + Destroyed Troop’s Creature Base Health + 10) x # of Creatures Sacrificed).

Summon Air Elemental

Basic Effect A troop containing (Power x 2) air elementals appears on the side of the casting player. Only one type of elemental can be summoned. Advanced Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that (Power x 3) air elementals are summoned. Expert Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that (Power x 4) air elementals are summoned.

Summon Earth Elemental

Basic Effect A troop containing (Power x 2) Earth Elementals appears on the side of the casting player. Only one type of elemental can be summoned. Advanced Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that (Power x 3) earth elementals are summoned. Expert Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that (Power x 4) earth elementals are summoned.

Summon Fire Elemental

Basic Effect A troop containing (Power x 2) fire elementals appears on the side of the casting player. Only one type of elemental can be summoned. Advanced Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that (Power x 3) fire elementals are summoned. Expert Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that (Power x 4) fire elementals are summoned.

Summon Water Elemental

Basic Effect A troop containing (Power x 2) water elementals appears on the side of the casting player. Only one type of elemental can be summoned. Advanced Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that (Power x 3) water elementals are summoned. Expert Effect Same as Basic Effect, except that (Power x 4) water elementals are summoned.


Angels & Archangels

With their great offensive and defensive power and flying ability, angels and archangels are among the mightiest creatures in the game. Both do 150% damage when attacking devils. Additionally, the archangel is able to resurrect dead allied troops once per combat.

Pit Fiends & Pit Lords

Pit fiends and pit lords attack with tormenting whip blows. Once per combat, pit lords are able to resurrect dead allied troops as demons in place of another action. The number raised cannot be higher than the number of pit lords performing the resurrection.

Skeletons & Skeleton Warriors

While skeletons and skeleton warriors are average foot soldiers individually, it is possible to build massively populated troops of them. They are numerously produced, are the main creature produced by the Necromancy secondary skill, and other creature types can be converted into them at Necropolis skeleton transformers.

Walking Dead & Zombies

Walking Dead and Zombies are magically animated corpses. Zombies have a 20% chance to cause disease in creatures they attack. Diseased creatures have their attack and defense ratings reduced by two for a period of three rounds.

Wights & Wraiths

Wights and wraiths are life destroying spirits damaging their opponents by draining life. The first wight or wraith in each troop regenerates all lost damage at the beginning of each combat round. While wraiths appear on the battlefield, two spell points per turn are drained from an enemy spellcaster’s spell pool.

Vampires & Vampire Lords

The attacks of vampires and vampire lords cannot be retaliated against. Vampire Lords are able to resurrect members of their own troops by replenishing health equal to the amount of damage they inflict on others.

Liches & Power Liches

Liches attack at range with a death cloud, which always causes damage in the target hex and also attacks all non-undead creatures in adjacent hexes. At close range they defend themselves less efficiently with blows from their scepters.

Black Knights & Dread Knights

Knights have a 20% chance of cursing opponents they strike. Cursed creatures inflict only minimum damage in their own attacks. Dread knights’ attacks also have a 20% chance of inflicting double damage death blows.

Bone and Ghost Dragons

Bone and ghost dragons are raised from dragon corpses. Both of these creatures have a ferocious biting attack and lower the morale of enemy units by one when they appear on the battlefield. Ghost Dragon attacks have a 20% chance of aging their targets. Aged troops have the hit points of all their members halved.

Stone & Obsidian Gargoyles

Stone and obsidian gargoyles are demon-form statues animated for use as troops. They attack with raking claws.

Stone & Iron Golems

Stone and iron golems are built and animated through a process involving both precise craftsmanship and complex magic. Though slow, they are strong and durable combatants. Stone golems take half damage from spell attacks, while iron golems take only a quarter of such damage.

Neutral Creatures

These creatures are not associated with any particular town type but may be found wandering the lands of Erathia. All elementals and golems have neutral morale and immunity to poison. Some locations found on the Adventure Map may offer these creatures up for recruitment.

Gold & Diamond Golems

Like the stone and iron golems found in Tower towns, diamond and gold golems are highly crafted statues animated through magic. Spells have only a 15% chance of affecting gold golems and a mere 5% chance of affecting a diamond golem.


Air elementals are powered by the same forces as Air Magic. They are immune to the Blind and Meteor Shower spells. They take double damage from Firestorm, Lightning Bolt, and Chain Lightning.

Earth elementals are forces of Earth Magic. They take no damage from Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Firestorm spells. They take double damage from Meteor Storm attacks.

Fire elementals are burning spirits of Fire Magic. They are immune to all Fire School spells, but they take double damage from Ice Ray and Frost Ring attacks.

Water Magic animates the water elemental. These creatures are Immune to Ice Ray and Frost Ring spells, but take double damage from Firewall, Combustion, Fireblast, and Fireshield attacks.

From the Armageddon's Blade manual

Conflux Towns

A Conflux is home to the Elementalist and Planeswalker. Composed primarily of elemental creatures, the Conflux also offers home to the Sprites and the elusive Phoenix. What makes Conflux towns unique is their emphasis on creatures of mid-range power. Generals continue to debate if this is the strategic strength or weakness of the town. Regardless, all agree it takes an astute commander to effectively lead a Conflux army. All elementals have neutral morale and immunity to poison.

Air Elementals

Air Elementals are powered by the same forces as Air Magic. They are immune to Mind and Meteor Shower spells. They take double damage from Firestorm, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells. Storm Elementals wield lightning as their primary attack. They also have the additional ability to cast the spell Protection from Air.

Water Elementals

Water Magic animates the Water Elemental. These creatures are immune to Mind, Ice Ray and Frost Ring spells, but take double damage from Fire Wall, Inferno, Fireball, and Fire Shield spells. Because their form is more solid, Ice Elementals have the ability to throw deadly ice tridents. Additionally, they have the ability to cast the spell Protection from Water.

Fire Elementals

Fire Elementals are burning spirits of Fire Magic. They are immune to all Mind and Fire School spells, but take double damage from Ice Ray and Frost Ring attacks. Energy Elementals gain the ability to fly and can also cast the spell Protection from Fire.

Earth Elementals

Earth Elementals are forces of Earth Magic. They take no damage from Mind, Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Firestorm spells. They take double damage from Meteor Storm attacks. From a source deep beneath the world's surface, roam the Magma Elementals. Slightly stronger than their earthen counterparts, Magma Elementals can also cast the spell Protection from Earth.

Psychic Elementals

Psychic Elementals are the physical evidence of what many consider the fifth element: thought. These creatures are immune to Mind spells. Their attacks overpower the minds of all those surrounding them, causing enough pain to kill. Enemies enduring such an attack rarely are capable of a retaliatory strike. Magic Elementals are a product of the sixth element: magic. Magic Elementals are also immune to all forms of magic.

Firebirds & Phoenixes

Firebirds are worldly manifestations of creatures from the elemental plane of fire. These magnificent beasts are as quick as fire itself and immune to spells of the same nature. Phoenixes, the more powerful incarnation of the Firebird, can resurrect some of its number from the ashes of its own demise.

From the Shadow of Death manual


Storm Elementals

Storm Elementals are the more powerful cousins to the Air Elementals and fire lightning bolts as their primary attack. They are immune to Blind and Meteor Shower spells, take double damage from Fireball, Lightning Bolt and Chain Lightning spells, and can cast the spell Protection from Air.

Ice Elementals

Because their form is more solid than the Water Elemental, Ice Elementals have the ability to throw deadly ice tridents. These creatures are immune to Ice Ray and Frost Ring spells, but take double damage from Fire Wall , Inferno, Fireball and Fire shield. They can also cast the spell Protection from Water.

Energy Elementals

As the more powerful versions of the Fire Elementals they are immune to all Fire School spells, but take double damage from Ice Ray and Frost Ring. The Energy Elemental gains the ability to fly and can cast the spell Protection from Fire.

Magma Elementals

From a source deep beneath the world's surface, roam the Magma Elementals. Magma Elementals take no damage from Lightning Bolt, Chain Lightning, and Firestorm spells, but take double damage from Meteor Storm attacks. Slightly stronger than their earthen counterparts, Magma Elementals can also cast the spell Protection from Earth.

Psychic Elementals

Psychic Elementals are the physical creation and evidence of what many consider the fifth element: thought. These creatures a re immune to mind spells, and their attacks overpower the minds of all those surrounding them, causing enough pain to kill. Enemies enduring such an attack rarely are capable of a retaliatory strike.

Magic Elementals

Magic Elementals are a product of the sixth element: magic. Though their attack is less mysterious than the Psychic Elemental, it is more powerful. Magic Elementals are also immune to all forms of magic.


Firebirds are worldly manifestations of creatures from the elemental plane of fire. These magnificent beasts are as quick as fire itself and immune to spells of the same nature.


Phoenixes, the more powerful incarnation of the Firebird, can resurrect some of their numbers from the ashes of their own demise.

Crystal Dragons

Made entirely from red crystal and brought to life through magical means, the Crystal Dragon is literally semitransparent, lit from the center by its magical heart. Used frequently as a training tool for young dragon slayers, many wizards also create these creatures for the crystal they shed.


Cloak of the Undead King

30% of battlefield dead are resurrected as Skeletons. If hero already has the Necromancy skill then the percentages are added to the skill and the level of skill determines what type is resurrected. Basic: Zombies. Advanced: Wights. Expert: Liches.

Elixir of Life

All creatures get a 25% health bonus and gain the regeneration ability. Does not work on Undead or non-living creatures.


Death Knights, Skeletons, and Vampires are all described as being resurrected.

Gargoyles, Golems, Zombies, and Water Elementals are all described as being animated by magic.

Crystal Dragons are described as being brought to life through magical means. The manual also states that they are often created by wizards for the crystal they shed.

In all three manuals, the word non-undead is only used twice and only in the Restoration of Erathia manual. It is used to describe creatures that can be sacrificed as well as creatures that are damaged by the death cloud of Liches.

The word living is only used in the Restoration of Erathia manual and it is only used once. It is used to describe creatures that lose morale when in the same army as undead creatures.

The words unliving, un-living, nonliving, and non-living are not referenced in either the Restoration of Erathia manual, or the Armageddon's Blade manual.

The same is true in the Shadow of Death manual, except for a single reference to non-living when describing creatures unaffected by the Elixir of Life. It also implies that non-living refers to a creature group that is distinct from the undead. The in-game description for the Elixir of Life replaces the word non-living with unliving, which is also the only place I've even seen the word unliving.



Skeletons, Zombies, Wights, Vampires, Liches, Black Knights, Dread Knights, Bone Dragons, and Ghost Dragons.


  • Non-living(Unliving)
Creatures that are not undead and that are unaffected by the Elixir of Life.
Elementals, Golems, Gargoyles, and Crystal Dragons.
  • Living
Creatures affected by the Elixir of Life.
All creatures not listed above.