Behemoth lair
Behemoth Lair
The Behemoth Lair is the level seven dwelling of the Stronghold town. It produces Behemoths at a rate of 1 a week.
Requires: Fort, Goblin Barracks, Wolf Pen, Cliff Nest
Cost: 10000 Gold, 10 Wood, 10 Ore and 10 Crystal
Since the Fort andd Goblin Barracks usually comes prebuilt, one can often go for the Behemoth lair in the first week without draining ones resources to much. If the Wolf Pen comes prebuilt as well, one could be able to field a Behemoth on the second day-- an enourmous force so early in the game.
Upgraded Behemoth Lair
The upgraded Behemoth Lair allows the production of Ancient Behemoths
Requires: Fort, Goblin Barracks, Wolf Pen, Cliff Nest, Behemoth Lair