Damage calculation
Damage calculation
When a hero leads his troops into battle, that hero's Defense Primary Skill is added to the Defense skill of every creature under his command.
In combat, a damage bonus is added/subtracted to every attack depending on the difference between the attacker's Attack and the defender's Defense. If the attacker's Attack is higher, then damage is increased by 5% per point of difference (up to a maximum of 400%, meaning the greatest difference that matters is 80). If the Attack skill is lower, then damage is reduced by 2% per point of difference (to a minimum of 30%, making the greatest difference that matters 15). The resulting number is the amount of inflicted damage.
No heroes are assumed to be present in the battle.
- 2 Nagas attack a stack of Pikemen.
- The Nagas have a basic damage value of 20 and their Attack skill is 16.
- A Pikeman has 10 health and their Defense skill is 5.
- Basic damage done by the stack of Nagas is 2 * 20 = 40.
- The Pikemen's Defense skill (5) is subtracted from the Nagas' Attack skill (16), which gives us 11.
- Thus, the damage is increased by 5% * 11 = 55%.
- The total damage is 40 * 1.55 = 62.
- 6 Pikemen will be killed, and the top Pikeman of the remaining stack will have 8 health left.