Cavalier and Champion

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Castle creatures
Level 1
Pikeman Pikeman Pikeman
Halberdier Halberdier Halberdier
Level 2
Archer Archer
Marksman Marksman
Level 3
Griffin Griffin
Royal Griffin Royal Griffin
Level 4
Swordsman Swordsman
Crusader Crusader
Level 5
Monk Monk
Zealot Zealot
Level 6
Cavalier Cavalier
Champion Champion
Level 7
Angel Angel
Archangel Archangel
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory Bulwark
Palace Grotto Forge
 Cost per troop 


Attack 15
Defense 15
Damage 15–25
Health 100
Speed 7
Movement Ground
Size 2
Growth 2
AI Value
 Special abilities:
Jousting bonus (+5% to damage per acrossed hex)
 Cost per troop 


Attack 16
Defense 15
Damage 15–25
Health 100
Speed 9
Movement Ground
Size 2
Growth 2
AI Value
 Special abilities:
Jousting bonus (+5% to damage per acrossed hex)
Shadow of Death   Horn of the Abyss

Cavaliers and Champions are level 6 creatures of Castle. They are recruited from Training Grounds. Tyris the Knight has a specialty in Cavaliers and Champions, which increases their attack and defense skills for each level she attains after the 6th level.

Cavaliers are upgraded to Champions for free, when the hero visits Stables found on the Adventure Map.

Special ability

The horse-mounted cavalier and champion deal extra impact damage when they when charging into battle. This jousting bonus is +5% per hex traveled before attacking target creature. For example, moving five hexes before the attack will increase their damage by 25%.

Pikeman and Halberdier are immune to this jousting bonus, which means the only suffer tha base damage from cavalier and champion.


The jousting ability of Cavaliers can increase their damage up to +35% and Champions up to +45% without any speed elevations. The increase can be even higher, if the hero can increase their speed for example with artifacts (Cape of Velocity, Necklase of Swiftness or Ring of the Wayfarer) or with spells (Haste or Prayer). Additionally, using Tyris who specializes in Cavaliers and Champions or Sir Mullich, whose troops recieve +2 to speed, can increase the damage of Cavaliers and Champions significantly. Because of the jousting ability, a player should always prioritizate to attack across as many hexes as possible.