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Damage is term for how much health loss a creature or a spell can cause to a creature stack.

Damage calculation

Damage of creature stacks

The base damage calculation is rather simple. There are creatures like Nagas that always have the same amount of damage, creatures like Pikemen for example have minimum and maximum damage and thus a damage threshold with a base amount and a random additional part of damage. Creatures in a stack do individual damage, meaning that every creature's damage is randomly chosen. The whole damage is calculated by multiplying the damage dealt by creatures in a stack with the number of creatures in the stack.

In order to determine the final damage of a creature stack, the main factors are attack and defense skills of both heroes and creatures. The attack and defense values of the hero are added to attack and defense skills of all the creatures in the hero's army. When a creature stack attack, its combined attack skill is compared to defending creatures combined defense skill, which is typically called attack-to-defense-ratio or just simply A/D.

The attacking creature receives a +5% piece bonus to its normal damage (100%) for every attack skill point greater than the defenders defend value, and will receive a -2.5% piece malus to its normal damage (100%) for every attack skill point less than the defenders defend value - and no bonus or malus if both values are equal.

The bonus piece sum is capped at to 300%, which means that the greatest positive AttackMinusDefense-difference that matters is 60 (60*5%=300%). In that case, a creature stack would cause quadruple damage (100%+300%=400%).

If the AttackMinusDefense-difference is negative, meaning that the attackers attack skill is smaller than the defenders defense skill, then the attacking creature receives a -2,5% piece reduction to its normal damage (100%) for every attack skill point smaller than the defenders defense value. The malus piece sum is capped at -27,5%, which means that the greatest negative AttackMinusDefense-difference that matters is -11 (-11*-2,5%=27,5%).


No heroes are assumed to be present in the battle.

  • 2 Nagas attack a stack of Pikemen.
  • The Nagas have a single unit damage value of 20 and their Attack skill is 16.
  • A Pikeman has 10 health and their Defense skill is 5.
  • The base stack damage done by the stack of Nagas is 2 * 20 = 40.
  • The Pikemen's Defense skill (5) is subtracted from the Nagas' Attack skill (16), which gives us 11, giving the nagas an att/def damage bonus.
  • The dealt damage will after the att/def consideration thusly have the bonus percentage modificator of 5%, multiplied with the damage bonus number in this case, 11, resulting in 55% bonus percentage of the Nagas damage towards the Pikemen.
  • So the damage is increased by a 55% increase and the nagas through superior attack skill have 155% damage on the Pikemen stack.
  • The total damage thus is 40 * 1.55 = 62 damage points.
  • 6 Pikemen will be killed, and the top Pikemen of the remaining stack will have 8 health left.

When the remaining (if any) Pikemen (attack points of 4) attack the nagas (sporting 13 points of defense):

  • -22.5% damage would be dealt by the Pikemen to the 5 creature level higher naga chimera stack.
  • The difference between the Pikemen attack (4) and the nagas defense (13) would mean 9 malus points with a malus point resulting in 2.5 % each malus point (the half of the bonus points).
  • ((2.5)*-9)% is -22.5% damage the Pikemen can damage the nagas with.

Damage of spells