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OrrinOrrin Orrin
ValeskaValeska Valeska
EdricEdric Edric
SylviaSylvia Sylvia
BeatriceBeatrice Beatrice Horn of the Abyss
Lord HaartLord Haart Lord Haart Restoration of Erathia
SorshaSorsha Sorsha
ChristianChristian Christian
TyrisTyris Tyris
CatherineCatherine Catherine Map Editor
RolandRoland Roland Armageddon's Blade Map Editor
Sir MullichSir Mullich Sir Mullich Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)Sir MullichSir Mullich Sir Mullich Armageddon's Blade
AdelaAdela Adela
CuthbertCuthbert Cuthbert
AdelaideAdelaide Adelaide
InghamIngham Ingham
SanyaSanya Sanya
LoynisLoynis Loynis
CaitlinCaitlin Caitlin
RionRion Rion
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Ingham the Cleric
Ingham maintained a modest monastery in the years before the Kreegan attack. He and his monks were quickly pressed into the service of the Erathian crown.
Increases the Speed of allied Monks and Zealots by 1 and their Attack and Defense skills by 20% Horn of the Abyss5% Shadow of Death for every 5 levels (rounded up).
10–20 Pikeman (100%)
4–7 Archer (100% Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death)
2–3 Griffin (100% Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death)

Show Creature Specialty Table

Creature Specialty Horn of the Abyss Shadow of Death
Ingham MonkMonk Zealot [[File:{{{3cr}}} portrait (HotA).png|link={{{3cr}}}]][[File:{{{3cr}}} portrait.png|{{{3cr}}}|link={{{3cr}}}]]
Level Attack Defense Attack Defense Attack Defense
Level 12 7 12 10 {{{3batt}}} {{{3bdef}}}
5 +1 +1 +1 +1 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
10 +2 +1 +2 +1 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
15 +2 +2 +2 +2 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
20 +3 +2 +3 +2 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
25 +3 +2 +3 +3 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
30 +4 +3 +4 +4 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
35 +5 +3 +5 +4 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
45 +6 +4 +6 +5 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
55 +7 +4 +7 +6 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
60 +8 +5 +8 +7 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
65 +8 +5 +8 +7 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
70 +9 +5 +9 +8 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
75/88 +11 +6 +11 +9 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
5 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 2 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
10 + 5 + 3 + 5 + 4 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
15 + 8 + 5 + 8 + 7 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
20 + 10 + 6 + 10 + 8 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
25 + 12 + 7 + 12 + 10 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
30 + 15 + 9 + 15 + 13 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
35 + 17 + 10 + 17 + 15 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
40 + 20 + 12 + 20 + 16 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
45 + 22 + 13 + 22 + 18 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}
50 + 24 + 14 + 24 + 20 +{{{6}}} +{{{7}}}

Potential Bug: Some levels add one more skill point than they should due to the calculation.


Ingham does not appear in the story text of any campaign levels.

Lost Lore Lost Lore

Ingham is a member of the Royal Erathian Military Command and headmaster of Steadwick's monastery.


The following Heroes Chronicles campaign happens long before the Restoration Wars, so this appearance should not be considered canonical.

Revolt of the Beastmasters
By Royal Decree as an enemy.
Naming a Nation as an enemy.

Official Renders

See also: