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'''Trivia''' is a collection of small but useful bits of information about {{homm3}}. == Verified Statements == === General Trivia === * Adventure map objects can be reactivated by pressing the space bar, or pressing the gate on the panel on the right, below the map (only in [[Horn of the Abyss|Horn of the Abyss 1.7.0]]). This action doesn't cost any movement points and allows, for example, unlimited cycling through two-way monoliths. This does not work in {{roe}} {{withroe}}. * The odds of [[wandering creature]]s joining you depends on what troops you have with you (and whether or not you have {{Ss|Diplomacy}}). * It is possible for a hero to have no troops if you deposit them at a [[Seer's Hut]] or [[Quest Guard]]. Upon entering a battle, you will instantly lose as soon as the pre-battle music ends. * You can delete artifacts by trading with an allied hero in multiplayer and having the artifact selected with your mouse (as you're dragging it) as the other player exits the trade window. * On the build screen of any [[town]] you own, each structure's further building prospects are signified by the status colors red, green or yellow. While playing any kind of multiplayer game, and you are not the current player, browsing your own build screens will show your red status structures as green for each of the structures where the current player has enough of each resource & gold to satisfy the build requirements of those structures. * You can mark a path max. 60,000 movement points away (both on land, sea and when using an [[Airship]]{{-wh}}). * In a campaign, if a hero is transferred from the previous scenario together with an equipped artifact that provides knowledge bonus, the extra spell points will be in place. Unfortunately, if such artifact is selected as the optional bonus at the start of the scenario, no matter whether in a campaign or not, the extra spell points for the hero it's given to will be missing on Day 1. * If troops in the [[garrison]] are removable, there will be a flag on the first slot of the garrison. Otherwise, the troops are irremovable. * [[Hole]]s and [[Event]]s prevent heroes from disembarking from ships. * The AI cannot open [[Ocean bottle]]s. * [[Temple]] visits on day 7 grant +2 [[Morale]]. * [[Idol of Fortune]] visits on day 7 grant +1 [[Morale]] and [[Luck]]. * [[Lighthouse]]s found on adventure map counts as a [[mine]], so don't forget to flag them if the [[special victory condition]] is "flag all mines". * [[Tree of Knowledge]] gives experience equal to the difference between a hero's next level and current level. * [[Windmill]] never produces [[wood]] {{W}}. * In the game files, [[Morale]] variable values have names: Treason (-3), Awful (-2), Poor (-1), Normal (0), Good (+1), Great (+2) and Blood! (+3) * In the game files, [[Luck]] variable values have names: Cursed (-3), Awful (-2), Bad (-1), Normal (0), Good (+1), Great (+2), Irish (+3). * {{town|Stronghold}} does not have a moat in {{roe}}. === Creatures === * Any creatures with [[double attack]] can get [[luck]]y twice in a row. * Almost all non-upgraded [[wandering creature]]s look to the right side, while upgraded creatures look to the left side. The exceptions are {{Cn|Water Elemental}}s and {{Cn|Earth Elemental}}s ''(fixed in {{hota}}{{-wh}})''. * {{Cnu|Pikeman|image=Pikeman (HotA)|Halberdier|image2=Halberdier (HotA)|name=Pikemen and Halberdiers}} are immune to {{Cnu|Cavalier|Champion|name=Cavaliers and Champions'}} [[jousting]] bonus (+5% damage per hex they cross). * {{Cn|Cavalier}}s are upgraded to {{Cn|Champion}}s for free at [[Stables]] located on the [[Adventure Map]]. * {{Cn|Archangel}}s resurrect fewer creatures with health artifacts on, but {{Cn|Pit Lord}}s and the {{An|Horn of the Abyss}} raise more creatures with additional health points with health artifacts. * {{Cn|Gold Dragon}}s are susceptible to {{Sn|Dispel}} cast by heroes, the Sacrificing part of {{Sn|Sacrifice}} (but not the Resurrection) ''(fixed in {{hota}}{{-wh}})'' and {{Cn|Ghost Dragon|name=Ghost Dragons'}} [[Aging]]. * {{Cnu|Stone Gargoyle|Obsidian Gargoyle|name=Stone and Obsidian Gargoyles}} cannot be raised with {{Sn|Resurrection}} because they are [[non-living]] creatures. However, they are still affected by [[Morale]], unlike [[Golem]]s or [[Elemental]]s. * {{Cn|Master Genie}}s can and will cast {{Sn|Cure}} and {{Sn|Anti-Magic}} on their allies. * {{Cn|Master Genie}}s can cast Mass spells if the battle takes place on [[Magic Plains]], [[Rockland]], [[Fiery Fields]], [[Lucid Pools]] or [[Magic Clouds]]. * {{Cn|Dread Knight|name=Dread Knight's}} [[Death Blow]] stacks with [[Luck]]. * {{Cn|Black Dragon}}s are immune to most creature abilities (e.g. [[stone gaze]]), but they can still be [[bind|bound]] by {{Cnu|Dendroid Guard|Dendroid Soldier|image2=Dendroid Soldier (HotA)|name=Dendroids}} and die from {{Cn|Mighty Gorgon|name=Mighty Gorgons'}} [[Death Stare]]. * {{Cn|Black Dragon}}s are immune to all spells apart from {{Sn|Dispel}}, but they still receive damage from {{Sn|Fire Shield}}. * {{Cn|Thunderbird|name=Thunderbirds'}} Lightning Strike does extra damage to {{Cnu|Air Elemental|Storm Elemental|name=Air and Storm Elementals}}. * [[Elemental]] units attacking the opposite Elemental unit do double basic damage ({{Cn|Air Elemental}} vs. {{Cn|Earth Elemental}} and {{Cn|Water Elemental}} vs. {{Cn|Fire Elemental|image=Fire Elemental (HotA)}}). * {{Cn|Magic Elemental}}s receive damage from Fire Shield and Efreet's Fire Shield. * {{Cnu|Mechanic|Engineer|name=Mechanics and Engineers}}{{-wh}} can only repair [[Mechanical]] units. This does not include [[Golems]], [[Bloodless]], [[Elementals]] or [[War Machines]]. * {{Cn|Rogue}}s being present in a hero's army grant the same effect as Expert {{Sn|Visions}}. This is still applicable with just one Rogue being present. * {{Sn|Hypnotize}}d {{Cn|Fangarm}}s will hypnotize creature for their opponent. * {{Sn|Berserk}}ed {{Cn|Fangarm}}s will hypnotize creatures regardless of which hero they or their target belongs to, transferring control over them to the target's opponent. * {{Cnu|Green Dragon|Gold Dragon|noname=}}{{Cnu|Red Dragon|Black Dragon|noname=}}{{Cn|Faerie Dragon|image=Faerie Dragon (HotA)|noname=}}{{Cn|Rust Dragon|noname=}}{{Cn|Crystal Dragon|noname=}}{{Cn|Azure Dragon|noname=}}[[Dragon]]s, {{Cnu|Hydra|Chaos Hydra|name=Hydras}}, and {{Cnu|Couatl|Crimson Couatl|name=Couatls}}{{-wh}} become {{Cn|Bone Dragon}}s in the [[Skeleton Transformer]]. {{Cnu|Bone Dragon|Ghost Dragon|name=Bone and Ghost Dragons}} become {{Cn|Skeleton}}s, but in [[Horn of the Abyss|Horn of the Abyss 1.7.0]]{{-wh}} they turn into {{Cn|Bone Dragon}}s. * {{Cn|Beholder}}s, {{Cn|Evil Eye}}s, and {{Cn|Gold Golem}}s have a different death animation when they die to a spell instead of a creature attack in {{hota}}{{-wh}}. === Artifacts === * {{An|Head of Legion|noname=}}{{An|Arms of Legion|noname=}}{{An|Torso of Legion|noname=}}{{An|Loins of Legion|noname=}}{{An|Legs of Legion|noname=}} Having two (or more) duplicate Legion artifacts on one hero only gives the growth bonus once. However, two heroes with the same Legion artifact in the garrison and visiting slots of the town give the growth bonus twice (one count per artifact). * {{An|Badge of Courage}} has a hidden ability that provides immunity to all [[mind spells]] (removed in {{hota}}{{-wh}}). The spell book and wand symbol do appear, but spells like {{Sn|Berserk}} will have no effect. * {{An|Orb of Vulnerability}} breaks creatures' natural immunities to magic but not artifact-granted immunities. Additionally, it negates the [[Magic Resistance]] artifacts and {{Ss|Resistance}} but does not negate [[Spell Damage Reduction]]. * {{An|Orb of Vulnerability}} works differently for the owner and the opponent. It allows the owner to cast all spells on any creature, ignoring their magic immunities. The opponent, however, can only ignore creature immunities of the owner's troops (not their own). * {{An|Armor of the Damned}}, {{An|Angelic Alliance}}, and {{An|Ironfist of the Ogre}}{{-wh}} spells still work in an [[Anti-Magic Garrison]]. === Spells === * Not all [[spell]]s can be disabled in a map. There must be at least one spell from each level enabled. * {{Sn|Anti-Magic}} can only be removed with {{Sn|Dispel}} or with {{Cnu|Serpent Fly|Dragon Fly|name=Serpent or Dragon Flies'}} dispel ability (the ability was introduced in {{roe}} {{withroe}} [[1.4]]). * {{Sn|Berserk}} can be cast on [[Undead]] creatures if {{An|Orb of Vulnerability}} is present. However, they are still immune to {{Sn|Blind}}. * {{Sn|Clone}}d creatures are affected by artifacts. * {{Sn|Clone}}d creatures copy their [[Special Abilities]], including the ability to cast spells. ** {{Sn|Clone}}d {{Cn|Ogre Mage}} can cast {{Sn|Bloodlust}}. ** {{Sn|Clone}}d {{Cn|Archangel}} can cast {{Sn|Resurrection}}. ** {{Sn|Clone}}d {{Cnu|Couatl|Crimson Couatl|name=Couatls and Crimson Couatls}}{{-wh}} can become immune when using the [[Couatl#Meditation|Meditation]] ability. ** {{Sn|Clone}}d {{Cnu|Automaton|Sentinel Automaton|name=Automatons and Sentinel Automatons}}{{-wh}} can [[Automaton#Special Ability: Detonation|detonate at death]]. * {{Sn|Cure}} can remove [[poison]] (from {{Cn|Wyvern Monarch}}s or {{Cnu|Sea Serpent|Haspid|name=Sea Serpents and Haspids}}{{-wh}}). * {{Sn|Dispel}} can remove all effects of creature abilities (e.g. {{Cn|Dendroid Guard|noname=}}{{Cn|Dendroid Soldier|image=Dendroid Soldier (HotA)|name=Dendroids'}} [[bind]]ing), except for [[poison]]. * {{Sn|Disrupting Ray}} cannot be removed by either {{Sn|Dispel}} or {{Sn|Cure}}. * {{Sn|Land Mine}}s do not affect creatures with magic immunity (e.g. {{Cn|Magic Elemental}}s) ({{roe}} {{withroe}} [[1.4|1.2]] or [https://www.gog.com/game/heroes_of_might_and_magic_3_complete_edition Complete Edition]). * {{Sn|Land Mine}} cannot be cast if any enemy troops are on their native terrain (this includes [[Cove]] troops if a [[Lodestar]] is controlled by any player). * {{Sn|Quicksand}} affects creatures who are on their [[native terrain]], but they can always see the quicksands (only placed by heroes, not included [[Dunes]]) and try to bypass them. [[Flying]] creatures are always immune to {{Sn|Quicksand}}. * When there are {{Sn|Quicksand}} (only placed by heroes, not included [[Dunes]]) or {{Sn|Land Mine}}s on the battlefield (included {{town|Tower}} [[moat|moat's]] landmines), you can locate them without casting a spell by selecting {{Sn|Remove Obstacle}} with Expert [[Water Magic]] and mousing over hexes on the battlefield. Just cancel the spell when done! * {{Sn|Resurrection}} can appear in the [[Mage Guild]] of {{town|Necropolis}} despite the fact that it cannot be used on any of the creatures it creates, hence the use of {{Sn|Animate Dead}}. === Combat === * [[Arrow tower]]s cause more damage to heroes with {{Ss|Armorer}}, although it should be the other way round. This also applies to {{Sn|Air Shield}}. In {{hota}}{{-wh}} this bug had been fixed. * Battles in the subterranean level are always considered to take place on [[subterranean]] [[terrain]]. However, [[movement]] works normally. In {{hota}}{{-wh}}, the battles take place found in the respective terrain in the subterranean level. * Battles in Crystal Caverns, Gold Mines and Abandoned Mines are always considered to take place in [[Subterranean]] terrain. * {{town|Tower}} [[moat|moat's]] {{Sn|Land Mine}}s are treated similarly as the spell, and therefore are affected by {{Sn|Dispel}}, creatures with magic immunities are unaffected by them, and {{An|Orb of Tempestuous Fire}} increase their damage. * With {{Ss|Necromancy}}, you get more {{Cn|Skeleton}}s than {{Cn|Skeleton Warrior}}s after combat. * The [[Lodestar]] works for all Cove units (both friend and foe), not just your own troops. * The right corners of the battle map only have 2 adjacent hexes, while the left corners have 3. == Unverified Claims == * {{Sn|Disguise}} is completely useless against Hard/Expert/Impossible AI? * Occupying the bottom right of your screen is the 'Status Window' showing the portrait of your currently selected hero. Clicking on that portrait shows how many [[towns]] you own and their level of development (village status, for example [[Capitol]]). ''However, when it is not your turn in any kind of multiplayer game, those town statistics displayed, are for the current player.''? == False Claims == * A [[horde building]] protects those particular creatures in that town from [[plague]], which means that the dwelling with a horde building will produce creatures normally. [Tested in RoE, SoD (HD+) and HotA by [[User:ShushMaster|ShushMaster]] ([[User talk:ShushMaster|talk]]) 18:27, 30 July 2018 (CEST)] * Elementals that are summoned in combat are not affected by Planeswalkers' (e.g. {{Hn|Kalt|0=}}) bonuses. [Tested by [[User:Kapteeni Ruoska|Kapteeni Ruoska]] 06:37, 4 August 2014 (CEST)] * In the first versions of the game, {{Cl|Witch}}es had a chance to learn {{Ss|Necromancy}}. [Tested in v1.0 by [[User:Kapteeni Ruoska|Kapteeni Ruoska]] 07:55, 28 March 2014 (CET)] * {{Cn|Psychic Elemental}}s do half damage to all enemy creatures when the opposing hero has the {{An|Sleepkeeper}}{{-wh}} artifact. [Tested by [[User:Csaros|Csaros]] 17:52, 9 January 2024 (CET)] * {{An|Pendant of Courage}} has a hidden effect: While wearing this item, neither you nor your opponent will be able to cast level 3 {{Sn|Land Mine}} during combat. [Tested by [[User:Csaros|Csaros]] ([[User talk:Csaros|talk]]) 14:22, 15 February 2024 (UTC)] [[Category: User commentary]]
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