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Horn of the Abyss Only available when the unofficial expansion, Horn of the Abyss, is installed.
Rampart heroes
ValitaValita Valita Heroes Chronicles
VolVol Vol Heroes Chronicles
YlendoreYlendore Ylendore Horn of the Abyss
DryopeDryope Dryope Horn of the Abyss
KeioKeio Keio Horn of the Abyss
TerghezTerghez Terghez Horn of the Abyss
StilbonStilbon Stilbon Horn of the Abyss
LeydaLeyda Leyda Horn of the Abyss
SiagumSiagum Siagum Horn of the Abyss
ThuligThulig Thulig Horn of the Abyss
XaverXaver Xaver Horn of the Abyss
KhevasarKhevasar Khevasar Horn of the Abyss
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory


A renegade druid working for KastoreKastore Kastore once he takes control of Burton. Caused "much mischief" in Enroth before fleeing to Jadame. Thought to be responsible for various dead forests there.


Forged in Fire
New Order as an enemy.