Yog (Wizard)

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Campaign heroes
(portrait only)
KendalKendal Kendal Restoration of ErathiaArmageddon's Blade
ChristianChristian Christian Armageddon's Blade
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
OrdwaldOrdwald Ordwald Armageddon's Blade
GemGem Gem Shadow of Death
YogYog Yog Shadow of Death
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
Death Knights
BoydBoyd Boyd Horn of the Abyss
MaximusMaximus Maximus Horn of the Abyss
FinneasFinneas Finneas Shadow of Death
SandroSandro Sandro Shadow of Death
KydoimosKydoimos Kydoimos Horn of the Abyss
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
AtheAthe Athe Horn of the Abyss
MiseriaMiseria Miseria Horn of the Abyss
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
GruezakGruezak Gruezak Horn of the Abyss
Battle Mages
ZogZog Zog Horn of the Abyss
AlkinAlkin Alkin Horn of the Abyss
AreshrakAreshrak Areshrak Horn of the Abyss
PactalPactal Pactal Horn of the Abyss
TarnumTarnum Tarnum Heroes Chronicles
BalfourBalfour Balfour Horn of the Abyss
JangaardJangaard Jangaard Horn of the Abyss
StinaStina Stina Horn of the Abyss
ValquestValquest Valquest Horn of the Abyss
WinzellsWinzells Winzells Horn of the Abyss
ElderianElderian Elderian Horn of the Abyss
UmenderUmender Umender Horn of the Abyss
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Yog the Wizard
Yog studied many years with the Wizards of Bracada, but he would rather spend his time engaging in swordplay rather than studying magic.
Casts Chain Lightning with damage increased by 5% Horn of the Abyss3% Shadow of Death for every N hero levels, where N is the level of the target creature.
25 Gremlin (100%)
12 Stone Gargoyle (100%)
4 Iron Golem (100%)

Yog (Wizard) is a campaign exclusive hero and is not playable in custom made maps. However, his portrait is available in map editor and can be chosen if a custom hero is created on the map.

In On the Run, he starts with Equestrian's GlovesEquestrian's Gloves.

Story[edit | hide | hide all]

The son of a genie enchantress and a barbarian chieftain, Yog has been studying magic to please his mother. While there he fell in love with Vidomina, before she became corrupted and turned to necromancy. He longs for battle, however, so when Duke Boragus invites him to join the Krewlod army, he jumps at the opportunity. He escapes Bracada, pursued by Aine. When he crosses the border into Krewlod, he is immediately attacked by barbarian forces. When he reaches Ulgak and meets with Boragus, he finds out this was part of a test to see if he was worthy of joining the barbarians. The other test is to disassemble and disperse the Angelic Alliance. Once Yog completes this task, he is fully welcomed into the Krewlod army.

In the main game and other campaigns, he uses the profile YogYog Yog.

Appearances[edit | hide]

See his main profile for other campaigns.

Birth of a Barbarian
On the Run as a player hero.
The Meeting as a player hero.
A Tough Start as a player hero.
Falor and Terwen as a player hero.
Returning to Bracada as a player hero.

Trivia[edit | hide]

Although he is presented as a Wizard, his starting primary skills correspond instead to those of a Knight.

Specialty[edit | hide]

His specialty, interestingly, is Chain Lightning (same as Solmyr), but he cannot ever acquire a spell book: entering a Mage Guild while he is a visiting Hero results in a message box telling the player that "Yog has given up magic in all of its forms. His knowledge of battle and tactics will have to be enough to get him through the rest of his life." Thus, he cannot make use of his specialty.

See also:[edit | hide]