Bone Dragon and Ghost Dragon

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Necropolis creatures
Level 1
Skeleton Skeleton
Skeleton Warrior Skeleton Warrior
Level 2
Walking Dead Walking Dead
Zombie Zombie
Level 3
Wight Wight
Wraith Wraith
Level 4
Vampire Vampire
Vampire Lord Vampire Lord
Level 5
Lich Lich
Power Lich Power Lich
Level 6
Black Knight Black Knight
Dread Knight Dread Knight
Level 7
Bone Dragon Bone Dragon
Ghost Dragon Ghost Dragon
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Bone dragon
 Cost per troop 


Attack 17
Damage 25–50
Health 150
Speed 9
Movement Ground
Size 1
Shots -
Growth 1
AI Value
 Special abilities:
Undead + decreases enemy morale by 1 + counts as dragon
Ghost dragon
File:Creature Ghost dragon.png
 Cost per troop 

1 Mercury + 3000

Attack 19
Damage 25–50
Health 200
Speed 14
Movement Ground
Size 1
Shots -
Growth 1
AI Value
 Special abilities:
Undead + decreases enemy morale by 1 + counts as dragon + 20% chance of aging
File:Bone dragon portrait.gif File:Ghost dragon portrait.gif
File:Mini Portrait Bone dragon.png File:Mini Portrait Ghost dragon.png

Bone and ghost dragons are level 7 creatures of necropolis town. They are recruited from the dragon vault.

Bone and ghost dragons are raised from dragon corpses. Both of these creatures have a ferocious biting attack and lower the morale of enemy units by one when they appear on the battlefield. Ghost dragon attacks have a 20% chance of aging their targets. Aged troops have the hit points of all their members halved.