Talk:Lost Lore

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Would "The Inferno", "The Rampart", "Rumors from the Court" and "Parallel world" also fit here?

  • Not sure - what are those? --Legate (talk) 13:00, 16 October 2024 (UTC)
  • Parallel World I didn't know where to place, as it wasn't directly related to any topic back when I added those. Inferno and Rampart are kind of dry, just explanations of the factions. More mechanical than lore-related IMO. Rumors, I forgot what it was about. --Turnam (talk) 13:37, 16 October 2024 (UTC)
  • I mean - Are these short stories? Do you have the text of the stories or a link to them? Do you know who wrote them? I haven't seen any pages on the wiki yet that refer to these? --Legate (talk) 17:28, 16 October 2024 (UTC)
    • Very interesting! The style of these stories seem to closely match what is already in Lost Lore. If we can trace their origin back to some official employee, we should definitely add them here! How did you come across these? --Legate (talk) 19:39, 16 October 2024 (UTC)
      • They're just more of the "Nether Gods" stories. They can now be found on the bad f*ndom wiki. --Turnam (talk) 17:19, 17 October 2024 (UTC)
      • Nice. The intro makes a reference to different colored text implying commentary by...probably Marcus Finch? Did the other site have anything like that? --Legate (talk) 18:52, 17 October 2024 (UTC)
      • If you are referring to the other wiki, yes. I just checked their page related to the "Kreegan reference" and they used a darker shade of blue to not get it mixed up with the links. I don't think that would solve the problem here though; the links automatically turn darker once you click on them, right? If viable, perhaps something in the middle?
      • Plus, the user Turnam summed it up pretty well, then went ahead and ported everything nice and tidy; but I have no idea who wrote them or whether they should be in this section. I don't where the references for the stories we currently have in store come from. Though I think their addition might be worthwhile: "Parallel world" opens up a whole another realm of possibilities, "Rumors from the Court" sheds a bit more light on the background events (I find the Overlord dominion thing there particularly interesting) and even "the Inferno" confirms that the familiars deal with dimensional rifts. So, maybe we could add something like "..., mechanics-related..." into the explanation here and get them? If there are no information about them whatsoever, perhaps we could link to another page and put a warning up front?

Here are the texts:

Rumors from the Court[edit | hide | hide all]

   "It seems as though a new guest speaker will be appearing at the board now... He claims to be somewhat of a rumor man, and speaks of many things said in King Gryphonhearts's Court Room. He has already made refernces about Xanthor and Marcus Finch, I personally wonder if they will be returning... Anyway, he only posted the following below so far. Now being that he is a rumor man, the info he may refer to could be phony and/or real. This makes it all the more interesting really... But anyway, I will try to post my personal thoughts after each of his to express what exactly I make of it. But all you see in quotes are the exact words of the Courtier and not mine, my messages will appear in a different colored font. Here is what has been said so far, and if we do get important topics, we may develope a frame."


   "posted by the Courtier
   September 20,1998
   "Well, if you're here for rumors, you've certainly come to the right place. Half the things said here are made up anyway, usually by some local Baron attempting to gain King Gryphonheart's favor. It's nonsense, I tell you! Why just last week a letter arrived from some poor fool claiming to be a descendant of the family of Phynaxia, claiming that troops were needed in the east. He claimed that an army "greater in number than there are stars in the sky" was massing in Eeofol.
   Sounds to me like some insane farmer saw an imp steal a chicken, but that wasn't the end of it. The very next day we received a letter from the University, claiming that one of their professors had seen this army from a gremlin skyship. But wait, it gets better! According to the professor, he was travelling through some sort of dimensional gate when it happened! Baaahhhhahahahaha! Insanity, I tell you! I can't believe they allow people like that to actually teach others!
   Hmm, please forgive my outburst, *snicker* but it really was quite amusing *chuckle* when that letter arrived. We read it aloud several times, and it just got funnier every time. I do wonder what the King's opinion of it was, though come to think of it, I don't think the letter ever made it TO the king. Ah well, he needn't be bothered by such lunacy.
   Well, stick around, I'm sure we'll hear more soon.""

The Letter

   "psted by the Courtier
   September 22, 1998
   "Bah! Another letter talking of armies. Not the Kreegans this time, though. No no, now it's the Dungeon Overlords. Will these people never cease? And this one… another professor at the University! Are they ALL mad!? What was this one's name… ah yes, Xanthor. Said he was on his way here with a first hand account of the story. Hah! We should all get a good laugh out of this one, mark my words!
   Yes, this is really something for me... I love when the guest speakers post and after waiting months to hear from a new one, we have Xanthor returning to tell another story!!! Remember Tales from the Swamps? It could be as highly anticipated as that... His story will appear on a new page entitled "Zoological Accounts.""


   "psted by the Courtier
   September 24, 1998
   "Well, we've finally received word from one of our *official* outposts on the Eeofol/Nighon border. Apparently there *is* some truth to what the locals, and even the University Professors, have been saying. According to the report, two massive armies, one formed from the Infernos, the other from the Dungeons below Nighon, are moving toward each other. The King, it seems, has decided to hold off on sending troops to the region. If they wish to annihilate themselves they apparently can do it alone. It's a smart move, because having an Erathian army in the area might cause the Kreegans and the Dungeon Overlords to decide they'd rather kill *us* than each other.
   I must admit this is not the first time these two nations have fought with each other, but if these numbers are to be trusted then this is something more than just the Dungeon Overlords attempting to put down another Kreegan rebellion.
   Ah well, fear not, for we are safe here under the wise leadership of King Gryphonheart.""


   "posted by the Courtier
   September 28, 1998
   "A terrible thing has happened! The King! The Kiiiing! *SOB* He… He… *SOB* King Gryphonheart is dead! DEAD!
   They say he died in his sleep… but… bwahhhhhhh! *SOB* How could he be… dead? I mean, he was no spring chicken, but 54 years isn't THAT old, even for a King. Ack! What am I saying!? Bwahhhhhhh!
   It has just come to my attention that the King's personal food taster also died in his sleep! Since none of the other guests at last night's feast took ill, this can mean only one thing… POISON! Oh what has this world come to!? "
   The Dungeon Overlords and Kreegans rise to power and the king unfortunately died, how can Phynaxia possibly survive a time of war while missing their beloved King Gryphonheart... The story continues..."


   "posted by Dannil Darvin
   September 29, 1998
   May I please have everyone's attention! Thank you. My name is Dannil Darvin, Lieutenant of the Royal Erathian Military Command, and I've been instructed to come here and read this, uh, proclamation to you so, uh, here it goes.
   "In light of the recent tragedy of the loss of the Nation of Erathia's King, Nicolas Gryphonheart I, and in light of the fact that no bloodline heir to the Throne of Erathia exists, rule of the Kingdom of Erathia shall pass to the Royal Erathian Military Command until such time as a proper successor can be found."
   "Know, too, that the murder of the King will not go unpunished. An investigation has already provided several leads, and it is only a matter of time before the guilty party is brought to justice."
   "So signed, General Morgan Kendal, Commander, REMC."
   Well, uh, that's it I guess. I've also been assigned to the Palace, so I'll be here until I receive new orders. Please try to stay calm, I'm sure this will all blow over soon enough."

Battle Results

   "posted by the Courtier
   October 2, 1998
   "I was listening in at the door of… well, I can't say, really, but let me tell you what I've heard! The Dungeon Overlord and Kreegan armies met just south of Eeofol in what was sure to be a spectacular battle. Instead, they set up camp for two days, and according to the scout reports, the Dungeon Overlord army gradually vanished! Thousands of creatures just disappeared! After that, the Kreegan army split in two. One broke camp and headed north back toward Eeofol. The other, however, turned west. They overran the border into the Contested Lands, laying waste to everything in their path, including the Erathian Garrison forces stationed there! I did not hear an exact number of casualties, only that the Garrison was a total loss.
   What will we do!? The Military Command already have their hands full keeping the peace throughout Erathia following the King's death, and it took the full might of the REMC to stop the Kreegans two years ago. How will they stop this attack!?""

A Word of Courage...

   "posted by Dannil Darvin
   October 2, 1998
   "Well, it would seem that for once the Kreegans have managed to defeat the Dungeon Overlords. We just received a report that after two days of fighting, the Dungeon Overlords were driven underground, most likely in a retreat back to their Nighon homeland.
   Not only that, but following the battle, half the Kreegan army began its retreat to Eeofol, while the other half, apparently as some sort of diversion, attacked the Erathian Garrison forces stationed in the Contested Lands. Heavy losses were inflicted to both sides, but our latest information shows a victory for the REMC, though reinforcements will be sent to the region over the next several days should another attack occur.
   Fear not, friends. We have defeated the Kreegans in the past. We shall defeat them again."

Other stories that may fit[edit | hide]

I found a few stories originally written by Bard Tannim (in a Polish translation). I wasn't able to locate the english source, even using the web archive - I suspect it may be lost to time.

Link to the stories: Zaginiona Księga (eng.: The Lost Book) - Csaros (talk)

  • Several of these are stories from the H3 manuals (and are already included on their various pages). We should go through the rest and see if they belong on the wiki! Likely they don't belong with lost least in my mind Lost Lore is fan-fiction written by official employees. Somewhere between Bob's random heroes 3 internet story and lore officially included in the game. --Legate (talk) 15:36, 17 October 2024 (UTC)