Noah's Ark

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3 Total Players / 2 Human Players
Size 3 (108×108) - L
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
The great flood is coming, and only by controlling two of every creature dwelling can you hope to survive.
Victory Condition
Flag All Creature Dwellings or Defeat All Enemies.
Loss Condition
Opponent fulfills victory condition or Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: Red/ Blue
Enemies: Red/ Blue+ Tan

Timed events[edit | hide | hide all]

Day Title Message
Day 1 Starting Info. Scouts report that underground passages also connect the areas we need to reach, perhaps they could be used to take control of the creature dwellings sooner.

Rumors[edit | hide]

Title Message
Monster groups. Some large monster groups will join any hero willing to take them along.
Underground. The underground passages connect the creature dwellings, but beware - monsters abound!