Tree of Knowledge

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Tree of Knowledge
Tree of Knowledge as seen on the adventure map.

Tree of Knowledge is an adventure map location which gives an experience level once per hero when visited. The amount of experience the tree gives is equal to the difference between the hero's next level and current level. In other words, the hero's current amount of experience does not affect the amount of experience received from the tree. Naturally, the tree will give more experience to heroes with higher levels because the gaps between experience levels increase exponentially. The tree will give the level for free, for 2000 Gold or for 10 Gem.

There can be up to 32 Trees of Knowledge on the map.

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The higher is the level of your hero, the more beneficial will be visiting of Tree of Knowledge. In the late game, there may be only a few wandering monsters stacks and treasure chests remaining on the map (if any), and gaps between high levels are enormous. Moreover, in the endgame you will possibly have big amounts of resources, thus paying 2000 Gold or 10 Gem won't be a threat at all. In campaigns, try to avoid visiting Trees of Knowledge by your main hero and most important supporting heroes as long as possible, finally visiting them if the highest possible level is yet to be obtained.

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