Template:Color templates

From Heroes 3 wiki
Revision as of 19:47, 6 May 2024 by Legate (talk | contribs) (remove most boarders to see slight color differences)
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Terrain colors
{{Dirt}} 6D5133
{{Grass}} 2B4520
{{Highlands}} 3F5F1C
{{Lava}} 3D3433
{{Rough}} 78593C
{{Sand}} C09B77
{{Snow}} F2F2F5
{{Swamp}} 2A4E32
{{Underground}} A68365
{{Wasteland}} 995B25
{{Water}} 133150
Kingdom colors
{{k red}} E90000
{{k blue}} 3152FE
{{k tan}} 9B7652
{{k green}} 449C2B
{{k orange}} F67F00
{{k purple}} 882CA0
{{k teal}} 0898A0
{{k pink}} C07888
Gold: Locations
{{Gold 1}} C3A84A
{{Gold 2}} E2C967
{{Gold 3}} FFEB85
{{Gold 4}} FFF1A9
Purple: Buildings
{{Purple 1}} 631077
{{Purple 2}} BA55D3
{{Purple 3}} E5CCFF
{{Purple 4}} EAD6FF
Grey: Towns
{{Grey 1}} 696969
{{Grey 2}} A0A0A0
{{Grey 3}} C0C0C0
{{Grey 4}} DCDCDC
Teal: Spells
{{Teal 1}} 007373
{{Teal 2}} 54D2D2
{{Teal 3}} B8E6E6
{{Teal 4}} D4FFFF
Red: Secondary skills
{{Red 1}} 71100F
{{Red 2}} F44336
{{Red 3}} FFCCCC
Artifact: Artifacts
bgcolor="Template:Artifact 1" | {{Artifact 1}} Template:Artifact 1
bgcolor="Template:Artifact 2" | {{Artifact 2}} Template:Artifact 2
bgcolor="Template:Artifact 3" | {{Artifact 3}} Template:Artifact 3
Blue: Creatures
Dark Blue: Maps
{{Blue 1}} 182A5B
{{Blue 1a}} 21316B
{{Blue 1b}} 233B7F
{{Blue 2}} 717DA9
{{Blue 3}} CFCFE6
{{Blue 4}} D8D8EB
Green: Heroes
{{Green 1}} 004200
{{Green 1b}} 216821
{{Green 2}} 7DCD7D
{{Green 3}} B8E6B8
{{Green 4}} C6EBC6
Tan: Adventure Map
{{Tan 1}} 8B4513
{{Tan 2}} CD853F
{{Tan 3}} D2B48C
{{Tan 4}} E8D8C3
{{Olive 1}} 776310
{{Olive 2}} CDCD7D
{{Olive 3}} E6E6B8
Yellowish: (HotA content in tables)
bgcolor="Template:Yellowish 2" | {{Yellowish 2}} Template:Yellowish 2
bgcolor="Template:Yellowish 3" | {{Yellowish 3}} Template:Yellowish 3