The representative (and third cousin) of Gavin Magnus serving in the army of
Tarnum (Wizard) during the events of Masters of the Elements. His voice was a distinct "nasal whine" - a trait that the magical owl he sent to deliver reports inherited.
Story[edit | hide | hide all]
From the first moment we met, Barsolar has been trying to tell me what to do. He's more annoying than any person I have met, and a Wizard as well. - Tarnum
From the very beginning, Barsolar attempted to convince Tarnum to do the things any reasonable wizard would do, from building Mage Guilds to learning more about golems. Tarnum responded with everything from insults to death threats. In an attempt to force Tarnum to build Mage Guilds, Barsolar wrote to King Gavin Magnus, who responded by writing a letter reminding Tarnum that he could take away Tarnum's command of the Bracadan forces at any time. Frustrated that Barsolar had out-maneuvered him, Tarnum crammed Gavin Magnus' letter into Barsolar's mouth and strongly recommended that Barsolar find a job that takes him far away from Tarnum.
Heeding this recommendation, Barsolar left to search for the Gateway to the Clouds.
He's decided his magical talent would best be used as a scout, plus he wants the freedom to study the Elemental Planes without interruption. I think he left because he realized I was close to removing his head from his body. - Tarnum
Barsolar was away for so long that Tarnum began to wonder if he was dead. Hemoross used a Seeing Pool to locate Barsolar surprising all the Wizards when the located him on the Plane of Air. Barsolar continued his role as scout at every new Elemental Plane Tarnum's forces enter. This enabled Barsolar to send scouting reports back and resources to the main force as well as gain valuable experience to become a powerful wizard in his own right. When on the Plane of Earth, Barsolar found the broken base of an old staff belonging to Reamus - a discovery which eventually led to Tarnum's army finding Reamus' and joining forces. When reaching the Plane of Fire, it was Barsolar who discovered how the plane operated - that its fire responded to the thoughts of those around. Together with Reamus, he theorized, then proved the existence of the Plane of Magic, thus discovering the existence of Psychic and Magic Elementals.
While Barsolar was exploring the Plane of Magic, Hemoross attempted to mutiny and called for Reamus to take over Tarnum's command. This blind-sided Reamus, who was not supportive of the mutiny. Hemoross likely would have attempted to forcibly remove Tarnum, had not Barsolar returned at that moment and lent his support to Tarnum, shaming Hemoross in the process. This only enraged Hemoross further and led him to challenge Barsolar to a wizard's duel a few days later. Tarnum stayed out of the duel until he noticed that several of Hemoross's students were about to dishonorably sneak attack Barsolar while he was pre-occupied with the duel. Tarnum jumped into the fray and defeated the apprentices while Barsolar battled Hemoross. Seeing that his ploy failed, Hemoross attempted to retreat, but was defeated and captured. Barsolar was injured during the duel (taking a Lightning Bolt to the shoulder), but ultimately made a full recovery. After this display of loyalty, Barsolar remained with the army as Tarnum's spymaster. As his last acts on the Elemental Planes, Barsolar worked with Reamus to successfully locate the Elemental Lords on Antagarich and build a portal to take the Bracadan forces there.
Upon reaching Antagarich and meeting up with Gavin Magnus, Tarnum recommended that Magnus give Barsolar the highest honors he can.
He's a courageous man, one of the bravest you've got, and he deserves it. - Tarnum
Tarnum had the Psychic Elementals wipe the knowledge of how to reach the Elemental Planes from every wizard in his army, including Barsolar. He believed the power of the Elements was too great a temptation for the people of this world. Nor would he allow there to ever be another master of the Elements.
Last night, Barsolar drank well into the night and laughed at the silly way we treated each other. We would depart friends and promised to see each other again - although I knew I would not be able to keep that promise. - Tarnum
Barsolar's accomplishments[edit | hide]
Throughout the events of Masters of the Elements, Barsolar proved to be, by far, the most competent member of Tarnum's forces. His accomplishments include:
- Finding the Plane of Air and gaining access.
- Discovering Reamus' staff.
- Figuring out the time dilation between the Elemental Planes and Antagarich.
- Figuring out that the fire covering the Plane of Fire responded to the thoughts of those around.
- Theorizing, then proving the existence of the Plane of Magic and discovering the existence of Psychic and Magic Elementals.
- Quelling Hemoross' mutiny and then defeating him in a Wizard's duel.
- Successfully leading Tarnum's spies and scouts.
- Building a portal to bring Tarnum's forces back to Antagarich
Name Calling[edit | hide]
Tarnum liked to make fun of his wizard advisors by intentionally getting their names wrong. For Barsolar, these names include:
- Boar's-Molar
Barsolar was the one wizard to play along with Tarnum's game, calling him "Lord Tarnish" (and dramatically improving Tarnum's opinion of him).