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Only available in Heroes Chronicles.
Stronghold heroes
Gurnis Gurnis Shadow of Death
Barshon Barshon Shadow of Death
Zorlan Zorlan Shadow of Death
Rabak Rabak Heroes Chronicles
King Targor King Targor Heroes Chronicles
Larn Larn Heroes Chronicles
Creghol Creghol Horn of the Abyss
Naghban Naghban Horn of the Abyss
Terghez Terghez Horn of the Abyss
Tan-Ghun Tan-Ghun Horn of the Abyss
Gorghe Gorghe Horn of the Abyss
Akratos Akratos Horn of the Abyss
Semachus Semachus Horn of the Abyss
Wededh Wededh Horn of the Abyss
Zarghebar Zarghebar Horn of the Abyss
Banbragh Banbragh Horn of the Abyss
Gohh Gohh Horn of the Abyss
Yargo Yargo Horn of the Abyss
Fangtooth Fangtooth Horn of the Abyss
Battle Mages
Swankart Swankart Shadow of Death
Venthin Venthin Shadow of Death
Zinitha Zinitha Shadow of Death
Denarm Denarm Shadow of Death
Kija Kija Heroes Chronicles
Numas Numas Heroes Chronicles
Jinara Jinara Heroes Chronicles
Guerhaugh Guerhaugh Horn of the Abyss
Horoagh Horoagh Horn of the Abyss
Jerhesh Jerhesh Horn of the Abyss
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Kija the Battle Mage
Receives a 5% per level bonus to Sorcery skill percentage.
Starting Exp.
Level 38
15–25 Goblin (100%)
5–7 Wolf Rider (88%)
4–6 Orc (25%)

Story[edit | hide | hide all]

Third wife and Queen of the Barbarian King Kilgor. Driven by her ambition and her taste for cruelty, she is attempting to arrange for her sons to be named as Kilgor's heirs. Fought against Tarnum and Gelu and was eventually captured and imprisoned. She eventually escapes and acquires the Sword of Frost for her husband.

Appearances[edit | hide]

The Sword of Frost
The Barbarian's Wife as an enemy.

Mentions[edit | hide]