Mt Firewalk

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This template is mirror version of Firewalk template and is focused on highly dynamic game. AI and player starting zones contain 3 towns and are very rich, but with some custom rules: 1 dwelling of 7th level and 2 dwellings of 6th level, and Pandora's boxes with experience, are always present; Dragon Utopias and banks which give creatures in reward are forbidden. The connection to white zone is worth opening soon: there the big piles of gold, banks with gold in reward and a Conflux village can be found. Besides white zone, there are 3 treasure zones present on each layer of template, known as “Creature Bank zone”, “Big Sand zone” and “Dragon Utopia zone”.


  • Map size: XL+U.
  • Content types clarification:
    • 96 (player and AI zones: 1, 2, 101, 102): content types (300–3000, 10), (5000–16000, 6), (12000–22000, 3).
    • 113 (white zones: 4, 5, 104, 105): content types (300–3000, 5), (3500–3500, 20).
    • 610 (big sand zones: 3, 103): content types (10000–25000, 10), (25000–35000, 10), (35000–55000, 3).
    • 480 (creature bank zones: 6, 106): content types (7900–8100, 20), (7900–8100, 20).
    • 9160 (dragon utopia zones: 7, 107): content types (7900–8100, 20), (45000–45000, 100), (45000–45000, 100).
  • Mirror template. Underground is generated exactly similar to surface level. Zone content on the surface and in the underground is also the same.
  • Mirror zones are cross-connected: a portal in an arbitrary zone #X leads to a portal in the copy of another zone #Y (i.e., zone #Y+100), and vice-versa.
  • Starting player (1 and 101) and AI (2 and 102) zones have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zone 3, 7 and their mirror copies are always sand zones. Zones 4, 5 and their mirror copies are always generated on dirt. Zone 6 and its mirror copy is always a lava zone.
  • Banned heroes:
  • Villages in zones 4, 5 and their mirror copies are always Confluxes.
  • Allowed artifacts: Orb of Inhibition and Recanter's Cloak.
  • Special weeks are disabled.
  • Combat round limit is 100.
  • Suggested rules and settings:

See also[edit]