Zarm, Neez, and Kilkik were the 3 Beholders who saved
Tarnum from assassination by a
Medusa. In gratitude, Tarnum appointed them as his advisors and bodyguards (with Neez as the leader).
Neez acted as Tarnum's internal spy-master - he seemed to have ears in every faction of the camp, and keeps Tarnum informed of any possible betrayals. He also was the one who came up with the idea of capturing Ufretin in order to learn
Gelu's plans to find the Sword of Frost.
Neez was killed when Tarnum forced him to accompany a small group of troglodytes on a suicidal attempt to capture Ufretin. To make sure he didn't return, Tarnum hired a group of Medusas to secretly ambush Neez; while using elven arrows to make it look an enemy ambush instead of an inside job.