Template:Creature table row

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Variables[edit | hide | hide all]

  1. Creature name
  2. Town
  3. Level
  4. Attack
  5. Defense
  6. Minimum damage
  7. Maximum damage
  8. Health
  9. Speed
  10. Cost (Gold)
  11. Resource (Mercury, Sulfur, Crystal or Gem)
  12. Special
  • image
  • crname+
  • If there is a hota version of the image, add "himage=(HotA)"

NOTE: Use the 'source' and 'only' parameters for content switching.

Examples[edit | hide]

 Name   Town   Lvl   Att   Def   Dmg-   Dmg+   HP   Spd   Grw   AI Val   Cost   Special 

Leprechaun Leprechaun   2 8 5 3 5 15 5 9 208 100 Gold   Doubles friendly unit Luck chance, Casts Fortune 

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