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| scenario       = {{PAGENAME}}
|description=Tovar the pirate, Tovar the plunderer, and now Tovar the dead. A rumor has started that the infamous Tovar is dead and his fortune is up for grabs in his fortress. The local lords want it, but who will be the first to reach it?
| description   = Tovar the pirate, Tovar the plunderer, and now Tovar the dead. A rumor has started that the infamous Tovar is dead and his fortune is up for grabs in his fortress. The local lords want it, but who will be the first to reach it?
| num_play      = 5/4
| size          = M
| source        = ab
| victory        = Capture Town {{gl|Fortress|Tovar's Fort}}.
| victory_c      = get_town
| loss          = Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
| loss_c        = all
| allies        = {{red}}{{blue}}/ {{tan}}{{green}}
| enemies        = 1: {{red}}{{blue}}/{{-}}2: {{tan}}{{green}}+{{-}}3: {{orange}}
{{Orange}} {{H|Tyris|Knight}} as Tovar, uses {{H|Ryland|0=}}'s portrait. Level 7. Custom biography text calling him Logain instead of Tovar. ("<i>Logain the pirate, scourge of the nine seas.  His favorite saying:  "Your money or your arms and legs, I don't care I'll take either one". Needless to say Logain has made a name for himself as one of the richest pirates in this part of the world.</i>") Starts with 80 {{Cn|Gnoll Marauder}}s, 60 {{Cn|Lizard Warrior}}s, 45 {{Cn|Dragon Fly|Dragon Flies}}, and 25 {{Cn|Greater Basilisk}}s. Wields the {{An|Ogre's Club of Havoc}} and the {{An|Lion's Shield of Courage}}. Positioned at 47, 39, between the red Border Guard and the black Keymaster's Tent.

Latest revision as of 19:37, 11 February 2025

5 Total Players / 4 Human Players
Size 2 (72×72) - M
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
Tovar the pirate, Tovar the plunderer, and now Tovar the dead. A rumor has started that the infamous Tovar is dead and his fortune is up for grabs in his fortress. The local lords want it, but who will be the first to reach it?
Victory Condition
Capture Town Tovar's Fort.
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: RedBlue/ TanGreen
Enemies: 1: RedBlue/ 2: TanGreen+ 3: Orange

Heroes[edit | hide | hide all]

Orange TyrisTyris Tyris the Knight as Tovar, uses RylandRyland Ryland's portrait. Level 7. Custom biography text calling him Logain instead of Tovar. ("Logain the pirate, scourge of the nine seas. His favorite saying: "Your money or your arms and legs, I don't care I'll take either one". Needless to say Logain has made a name for himself as one of the richest pirates in this part of the world.") Starts with 80 Gnoll Marauder Gnoll Marauders, 60 Lizard Warrior Lizard Warriors, 45 Dragon Fly Dragon Fly, and 25 Greater Basilisk Greater Basilisks. Wields the Ogre's Club of HavocOgre's Club of Havoc and the Lion's Shield of CourageLion's Shield of Courage. Positioned at 47, 39, between the red Border Guard and the black Keymaster's Tent.