Xarfax served in the Erathian Military until he was captured while fighting the Kreegans in 1162 A.S. (After the Silence). The Kreegans, realizing the power within him, "reconditioned" Xarfax, turning him into a loyal and capable follower.
Special Ability
- Fireball
- Xarfax's proficiency in the Fireball spell allows him to cast it with increased effect, based on his level compared to the level of the target (greater bonus on weaker units).
Secondary Skills
Basic Wisdom
Basic Leadership
Additional Information
Class: Heretic
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Xarfax starts with a Spell Book and knows the spell Fireball.
J R's rating: 2.5/5
Comment: Xarfax normally cannot cast the Fireball spell until he has gained at least one point of Knowledge.