Excellent work young one! Now you and three others must compete for the chance to challenge the king. Defeat them and their lieutenants in order to claim victory. The three allies that helped you in the second mission will assist you in this one, good luck.
Kilgor: In the Festival of Life, those who fail, either die at the hands of their enemies, or by their own hand after capture. I will be merciful toward my opponents. I will take no prisoners.
Map description
Three other clans also fight for the right to have their nominee be the king. Defeat them all without losing Kilgor and his three starting allies or lose the game. Only Kilgor and his three starting companions will be carried over into the next and last mission. Levels are limited to thirty.
The third test begins. The three opponents arrayed against you and each other are battle tested and strong, having been through similar tests. If you overcome them you will have proven your mettle enough to challenge the king himself!
Day 3 - House Telez message
A message arrives from House Telez: "Give up now, before we step on you like the pile of Orc dung you are"
Day 5 - House Degab taunt
House Degab sends you a message: "Surrender to us now and we will give you a quick and painless death staked out upon the Anthill of Doom. Otherwise a regular anthill will be your fate"
Day 7 - House Vilmit message
House Vilmit sends a message: "<Ugh>..we crush you like bug you are..<Ugh>"
Artifact in middle
A fine artifact awaits the first to reach the middle.
Dungeon city.
A dungeon city guarded by many dragons is rumored to be in the area.
As you enter the hut an ancient looking battle mage looks up from the book he is reading. "Here for the War contest are you?". He cackles for a while. " Well one of the dang fools stole one of my books, let me think...oh yeah the tome of fire magic, if you bring it back to me i'll give you a brood of Behemoths I've been breeding for years." He pauses to study you for awhile. " Well, what are you standing around for..find my book!