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Terek the Battle Mage
Terek spent several years as a strong-man in the Circus of the Sun, challenging spectators to see who could throw large rocks the furthest. One day he lost, and was run out of the Circus, but the man who had beaten him recruited him for the Krewlod Army.
Casts Haste with effect increased by 3 for level 1–4 creatures, by 2 for level 5–6 creatures, and by 1 for level 7 creatures. Horn of the Abyss
15–25 Goblin (100%)
5–7 Wolf Rider (100%) Horn of the Abyss
4–6 Orc (100%) Horn of the Abyss
1560 Horn of the Abyss

Story[edit | hide | hide all]

In Retrieving the Cowl, Terek was the first hero Sandro hired to retrieve the Vampire's Cowl. He was captured and imprisoned by bandits until Gem arrived and ransomed him and the cowl.

Appearances[edit | hide]

Festival of Life
Clan War as an enemy.
For the Throne as an enemy.
New Beginning
Retrieving the Cowl in a prison.
Birth of a Barbarian
On the Run as a player hero.
The Sword of Frost
A New Enemy as an enemy.

Although the in-game description of the specialty states, "based on hero level compared to the level of the target unit", the hero's level has no effect on the specialty.

Trivia[edit | hide]

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See Also:[edit | hide]