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A hero may retreat from combat anytime it is his turn. He may also retreat before combat during his Tactics Phase if such a phase occurs. Players cannot retreat if the hero is defending in a siege (unless he is in a Stronghold that has an Escape Tunnel) or fighting against an enemy hero wielding the Shackles of War. The hero will reappear in the Tavern ready for immediate re-recruiting and retain all artifacts but lose all armies.

Note: Even if your hero inflicted serious losses to the opponent, if you retreat from combat no experience will be gained from the battle.

Hit and Run ban[edit | hide | hide all]

In Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss: in two-hero combat, the attacker is forbidden to retreat in the first round of combat after casting a spell.

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Some may find the information in this section subjective or irrelevant.

Retreating (or surrendering) is a good idea:

  • When defeat is imminent.
  • As a means to travel to a distant town, to be re-recruited there.
  • To preserve artifacts which will otherwise fall into an enemy hero's hands.
  • To preserve a powerful hero with strong stats, spells, or high level.

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