User talk:Phasma/Day of Reckoning
Mind flayers?
Illithids and Alhoons are a surprising choice IMO. These creatures are very closely tied to D&D, and in fact the mind flayers are part of what Wizards of the Coast had specifically claimed as their "Product Identity" that other publishers couldn't play with in the Open Game License. Due to this, it's pretty clear they would never have appeared in an official expansion from NWC/3DO. The same basic concept of a squid-headed monster might have been used (after all, it's also the fangarm; though that one is more of a mini-Cthulhu than a mind flayer), but it would have had to have a different name and design. Compare D&D's beholders with Heroes 3's; and note how their upgraded version is called the Evil Eye, not the Eye Tyrant. For these reasons I was pretty sure the illithid and alhoon were a part of ToW that would not appear in DoR... --Turnam (talk) 16:54, 16 May 2024 (UTC)