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Revision as of 10:57, 29 January 2014 by Kapteeni Ruoska (talk | contribs)
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    Basic Tactics:
    Advanced Tactics:
    Expert Tactics:

If your Tactics level is higher than your opponents, it enables you to arrange the hero's troops on the battlefield during the Tactics Phase. Usually this means either "Turtling" (protecting shooters behind strong non-shooter stacks), or "Blitzkrieging" (placing all troops forward and then casting Mass Haste or Mass Prayer on them).

Recommended for: Any Hero who would find pre-battle placement of his armies useful (who wouldn't?).

Advantage Allowed Placement
Three levels Within first seven hex columns
Two levels Within first five hex columns
One level Within first three hex columns
None Troops placed according to selected Formation

Secondary Skills
 Air Magic
 Eagle Eye
 Earth Magic
 Fire Magic
 First Aid
 Interference Horn of the Abyss
 Water Magic