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Revision as of 13:55, 11 March 2017 by Kapteeni Ruoska (talk | contribs) (nonsense)
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 Cost per troop 


Attack 17
Defense 12
Damage 14
Health 30
Speed 9
Movement Ground
Size 1
Shots 32
Growth 2
AI Value
 Special abilities:
• No melee penalty
[[File:{{{U_name}}} portrait.gif]] [[File:{{{U_name}}} portrait (HotA).gif]]
Shadow of Death   Horn of the Abyss Shadow of Death [[File:Mini Portrait {{{U_name}}}.png]]  Horn of the Abyss

Enchanters are neutral creature recruited from the enchanter's hollow. They are spellcasters and automatically cast haste, bless, stone skin, cure, air shield, slow or weakness at expert level every three rounds, lasting for three rounds. Air Shield can only be cast if there are enemy ranged creatures present which are able to shoot (ie, not out of shots, not blinded, etc).

Heroes with Enchanters specialty: