Offense is a secondary skill that increases all hand-to-hand damage caused by allied creatures in hero's army. Offense increases the base damage by 10%, 20% or 30% depending on the level of the skill. This does not mean that teh total damage (final damage) is increased by the same precentage.
Heroes with offense as a starting skill: All Barbarians start with Basic offense, except Crag Hack and Kilgor, who start with Advanced. The following heroes also start with offense:
- Sorsha the Knight
- Catherine the Knight
- Ivor the Ranger
- Rissa the Alchemist
- Nymus the Demoniac (Advanced)
- Octavia the Demoniac
- Clavius the Death Knight
- Tamika the Death Knight
- Arlach the Overlord
- Dace the Overlord
- Damacon the Overlord (Advanced)
- Shakti the Overlord
- Gundula the Battle Mage
- Alkin the Beastmaster
- Fiur the Planeswalker
- Ignissa the Planeswalker
- Monere the Planeswalker
- Pasis the Planeswalker
Heroes that specialize in Offense:
- Crag Hack the Barbarian
- Gundula the Battle Mage