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Name Size Underground Bonus options Sides Victory Condition Loss Condition Difficulty Max Lvl Carry Over
Homecoming Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled
Start with 14 Pikeman(s)
Start with +5 Mercury, Sulfur, Crystal & Gems
Start with a First Aid Tent
Allies: Red
Enemies: Tan
Capture Town or Defeat All Enemies Lose All Your Towns and Heroes Difficulty 1: Easy - The player starts with a large advantage in resources, and the computer plays poorly. 6  4 strongest heroes
To win, you must locate and capture the town of Terraneus. Your Heroes will be limited to 6th level in this scenario, but your 4 strongest Heroes will travel with you to the next scenario of this campaign.
Guardian Angels Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled
Start with 1 Angel(s)
Start with 3 Zealot(s)
 Start with (a scroll of) Prayer 
Allies: Red
Enemies: Tan
Defeat All Enemies Lose All Your Towns and Heroes Difficulty 2: Normal - The player starts with a moderate advantage in resources, and the computer plays reasonably well. 12  8 strongest heroes
To win, you must capture all enemy towns and castles and defeat all enemy heroes. Your Heroes will be limited to 12th level in this scenario, but your 8 strongest Heroes will travel with you to the final scenario of this campaign.
Griffin Cliff Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled  Start with Golden Bow  Start with Lion's Shield of Courage  Start with Endless Sack of Gold  Allies: Red
Enemies: 1:TanOrange
Flag All Creature Dwellings Lose Town Difficulty 2: Normal - The player starts with a moderate advantage in resources, and the computer plays reasonably well. (none)
To win, you must locate and flag all 7 Griffin Towers.

Variables[edit | hide | hide all]

  • name
  • map_link
  • description
  • size
  • underground
  • victory
  • vic2=true (adds "or Defeat All Enemies" to the victory text)
  • loss
  • difficulty
  • ally
  • enemy
  • bonus
  • max_lvl
  • carry