The Great Race

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4 Total Players / 4 Human Players
Size 2 (72×72) - M
Underground disabled
Scenario Description
A nobleman's marriage to the princess he loves has been cancelled due to her father's fear of a dreadful prophecy told to him by an evil lord who also desires her hand. The horrified father has locked the girl away in a tower, so now it is a race to see whether the good nobleman can rescue her.
Victory Condition
Capture Town Random Town at (12, 62, 0).
Loss Condition
Opponent fulfills victory condition or Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: Red/ Blue/ Tan/ Green
Enemies: Red/ Blue/ Tan/ Green

Like in Island King, Sangraal's Thief, Rithen Falls, and Too Many Monsters, both Lord Haart Lord Haart the Knight and Sir Mullich Sir Mullich are banned on this map, which is unusual for a Shadow of Death map. Furthermore, all Conflux heroes are also banned.

The Red Red Kingdom can only start with good and neutral alignment towns: . The Green Green kingdom can only start with evil towns: . The Blue Blue and Tan Tan kingdoms have no town restrictions.

Map Notes[edit | hide | hide all]