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MephalaMephala Mephala
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AerisAeris Aeris
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
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Cove Factory
Aeris the Druid
Basic Information:
AerisAeris Class: Druid
Gender: male
Race: elf
Specialty: Pegasi
Specialty PegasiSpecialty Pegasi Increases the attack and defense skills of any pegasi or silver pegasi for each level attained after 4th level.
Primary Skills:
Attack 0 Defense 2 Spell Power 1 Knowledge 2
Secondary Skills:
Wisdom Basic Wisdom
Scouting Basic Scouting
[[File:{{{skill_3}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_3}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_4}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_4}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_5}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_5}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_6}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_6}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_7}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_7}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_8}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_8}}} [[]]
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_1}}} small.gif|{{{troop_1}}}|link={{{troop_1}}}]] [[{{{troop_1}}}|{{{troop_1}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_2}}} small.gif|{{{troop_2}}}|link={{{troop_2}}}]] [[{{{troop_2}}}|{{{troop_2}}}]] Always Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_3}}} small.gif|{{{troop_3}}}|link={{{troop_3}}}]] [[{{{troop_3}}}|{{{troop_3}}}]] Always Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_4}}} small.gif|{{{troop_4}}}|link={{{troop_4}}}]] [[{{{troop_4}}}|{{{troop_4}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_5}}} small.gif|{{{troop_5}}}|link={{{troop_5}}}]] [[{{{troop_5}}}|{{{troop_5}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_6}}} small.gif|{{{troop_6}}}|link={{{troop_6}}}]] [[{{{troop_6}}}|{{{troop_6}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_7}}} small.gif|{{{troop_7}}}|link={{{troop_7}}}]] [[{{{troop_7}}}|{{{troop_7}}}]] Always
Protection from Air Protection from Air
War Machine:
[[File: Creature portrait small.gif link=]] [[|]] Always Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death
Starting Movement Points:

He starts with a spell book and knows the spell Protection from Air.


Aeris is one of the best animal handlers in all of AvLee. He can sense ideal pairings between elves and pegasi which have made him one of the most sought out druids in the land.