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Melodia the Druid
Melodia may not be the most highly skilled Druid ever seen in AvLee, but she is certainly the luckiest. Even in the face of insurmountable odds she has managed to achieve miraculous victories. Troops gladly volunteer to serve in any army she leads.
Fortune always increases a unit's Luck by 3.
12–24 Centaur (100%)
3–5 Dwarf (100%) 

Story[edit | hide | hide all]
In Kreegan Alliance, Melodia has captured the Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur from the Kreegans, thus bringing her into direct conflict with Sandro who also wants the ring. Sandro hires a spy to get some intelligence on her, and this is what he receives:
"Greetings, Sandro. Melodia is a veteran Hero of AvLee. That she has survived so many battles suggests that she is lucky to say the least. She has powerful magic abilities with a full compliment of spells in her repertoire. Any magic user would salivate to have even the briefest peek at her spell book. Her reputed skills are excellent, with her having mastered the four magical arts as well as studying combat tactics. She has picked up more than just the pathetic Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur in her travels. I am surprised you are not after the Sandals of the Saint, the Armor of Wonder, the Golden Bow or the Hellstorm Helmet, all rumored to be in her possession. If you choose to go up against this formidable Druid I suggest you have plenty of troops under your command. Dethmar"
Appearances[edit | hide]
- Rise of the Necromancer
- Finneas Vilmar as an enemy.
- Specter of Power
- Kreegan Alliance as an enemy.
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As Melodia starts with Luck as a secondary skill, her specialty is almost useless. Green and Gold Dragons are also immune to Fortune.