Knee Deep in the Dead

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Knee Deep in the Dead
2 Total Players / 1 Human Player
Size 1 (36×36) - S
Underground disabled
Scenario Description
You awaken to a world greatly changed. Zombies are everywhere. You appear to be Knee Deep in the Dead.
Victory Condition
Defeat All Enemies.
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: Red
Enemies: Blue

Timed events[edit | hide | hide all]

Day Title Message
Day 1 Day 1 While on maneuvers, your army camped and fell into a deep sleep. Upon awakening you find yourselves surrounded by a massive army of zombies, many of whom appear to be your former perimeter sentries. Disoriented, you must escape and find your home.
Day 2 Day 2 It appears that you have become the victim of a legend that claims that on the full moon of the first year of the seventh Cycle of the Wyrm, the Necrolord will arrive and rise the dead from their graves to take back the land of the living. If you could only find the Necrolord and banish him...
Day 3 Evil Laughter You hear a sickening evil laughter on the wind. Did you really hear it or was it just your overactive imagination?
Day 8 At Red:
Shipment of Goods
A shipment from the outer reaches of your kingdom arrives. This shipment is one of vital import. Many of the supplies you will need for the coming battle are included.
Effect: +3000 Gold Gold, +5 Wood Wood, +5 Ore Ore, +5 Mercury Mercury, +5 Sulfur Sulfur, +5 Crystal Crystal, +5 Gem Gems

Objects[edit | hide]

Events[edit | hide]

Location Message
34, 13, 0 Note: Only applies to Red player
As you approach the frozen regions of the Necrolord you get a sense of foreboding.
Contents: -1 Morale Morale

Towns[edit | hide]

Location Player Type Name
2, 33, 0   Castle -
2, 5, 0 Blue Necropolis Scorch

Heroes[edit | hide]

Location Player Hero
2, 6, 0 Blue SandroNecrolord the Necromancer
Note: Hero identity is Sandro.
20, 20, 0 Red Christian Christian the Knight

Signs[edit | hide]

Location Message
24, 19, 0 West to Castle. East to the marshalling fields.

See also[edit | hide]

See also:[edit | hide]

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