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Name Size Underground Bonus options Sides Victory Condition Loss Condition Difficulty Max Lvl Carry Over
Homecoming Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled
Start with 14 Pikeman(s)
Start with +5 Mercury, Sulfur, Crystal & Gems
Start with 1 First Aid Tent(s)
Allies: Red
Enemies: Tan
Capture Town or Defeat All Enemies Lose All Your Towns and Heroes Difficulty 1: Easy/Pawn - The player starts with a large advantage in resources, and the computer plays poorly. 6 Strongest heroes
To win, you must locate and capture the town of Terraneus. Your Heroes will be limited to 6th level in this scenario, but your 4 strongest Heroes will travel with you to the next scenario of this campaign.
Guardian Angels Size 1 (36×36) - S Underground enabled
Start with 1 Angel(s)
Start with 3 Zealot(s)
Start with (a scroll of) Prayer
Allies: Red
Enemies: Tan
Defeat All Enemies Lose All Your Towns and Heroes Difficulty 2: Normal/Knight - The player starts with a moderate advantage in resources, and the computer plays reasonably well. 12 Strongest heroes
To win, you must capture all enemy towns and castles and defeat all enemy heroes. Your Heroes will be limited to 12th level in this scenario, but your 8 strongest Heroes will travel with you to the final scenario of this campaign.
Griffin Cliff Size 2 (72×72) - M Underground enabled
Start with Golden Bow
Start with Lion's Shield of Courage
Start with Endless Sack of Gold
Allies: Red
Enemies: 1:TanOrange
Flag All Creature Dwellings Lose Town Difficulty 2: Normal/Knight - The player starts with a moderate advantage in resources, and the computer plays reasonably well. (none)
To win, you must locate and flag all 7 Griffin Towers.

Variables[edit | hide | hide all]

  • name
  • map_link
  • description
  • size
  • underground
  • victory
  • vic2=true (adds "or Defeat All Enemies" to the victory text)
  • loss
  • difficulty
  • ally
  • enemy
  • bonus
  • max_lvl
  • carry