A Terrible Rumor

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6 Total Players / 3 Human Players
Size 1 (36×36) - S
Underground enabled
Scenario Description
The two lords of Shireton, the Guardians as they are called, are rumored to have sided with the denizens of The Underworld against the King. If true, you must bring about the destruction of the Guardians and venture into the deep of the underworld to end the ever-present threat from below.
Victory Condition
Defeat All Enemies.
Loss Condition
Lose All Your Towns and Heroes.
Allies: Red/ Blue/ Tan
Enemies: Red/ Blue/ Tan/ Green/ Orange/ Purple

The factions are segregated by alignment. The playable colors, Red Red, Blue Blue, and Tan Tan, can only start with the Good and Neutral towns: . Whereas the computer-only colors, Green Green, Orange Orange, and Purple Purple, can only start with the Evil towns: .