Arms of Legion
Effect: This item, when equipped by a hero in a town, increases the growth of 5th level units (in that town) by 2 per week.
![](/images/e/ec/Arms_of_Legion_artifact.gif) |
Searching a ruin, you are amazed to find a piece of the Statue of Legion. You carefully dust it off before placing it in your pack.
Arms of Legion is a Major class artifact equipped in the Misc slot.
They increase any town's 5th level creature growth by +2, if a hero with Arms of Legion equipped is in the town or in the garrison when the week changes. While equipping two Arms of Legion to one hero does not increase the growth by +4, equipping them to two different heroes and placing one inside the town and one into the garrison does give the bonus growth of both artifacts.
In Shadow of Death expansion, Arms of Legion can be combined together with Legs, Loins, Torso and Head of Legion to create Statue of Legion, a combination artifact.
Related artifacts
See also: