Admiral's Hat

Converts movement points between land and water movement.
Gain Summon Boat and Scuttle Boat while equipped.
Protects army in whirlpools.
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Admiral's Hat Bug[edit | hide | hide all]
There exists a Shadow of Death bug that allows a player to infinitely gain movement points so long as they: own the Admiral's Hat; have access to a water tile; own speed-boosting artifacts or a nearby scout with creatures of different speed in the army; have some spare time to exploit the bug.
Water/Land movement conversion formula:
MPbas - basic movement points
MPact - actual movement points
WMPbas - basic movement points on water
WMPact - actual movement points on water
m - move cost (affected by a starting tile terrain penalty and Favorable Winds bonus)
Boarding MP convertion: WMPact = (MPact-m) × WMPbas/MPbas
Landing MP convertion: MPact = (WMPact-m)/(WMPbas/MPbas)
MPbas depends on:
- speed of the slowest creature in the army
- speed artifacts (Equestrian Gloves, Boots of Speed)
- daily/weekly MP boosting objects visited
- Logistics and Navigation skills/specialties
The Admiral's Hat bug is based on the fact that MPbas is not fixed at the beginning of the day; - the game recalculates it during the turn every time one of the options described above is changed.
So it can be manipulated easily by:
- changing the slowest unit
- un/equipping Equestrian Gloves and/or Boots of Speed
The mechanics of the abuse briefly can be described as "slow boarding, quick landing". E.g.: a hero with 6th speed (1700 MP) and Boots of Speed artifact, which gives +600 MP, (and equipped Admiral's Hat, of course) boarding from the terrain without movement penalty by a straight step (m = 100). No Navigation or Lighthouse bonuses. Boots of Speed are removed for boarding and equipped for landing. The overall effect will look like:
Shore | Boat | Shore | Boat | Shore | Boat | Shore |
1700 | 2823 | 2087 | 3506 | 2611 | 4431 | 3320 |
comparing to how it should work with MPbas fixed at the start of the turn level:
Shore | Boat | Shore | Boat | Shore | Boat | Shore |
1700 | 2823 | 1543 | 2546 | 1386 | 2269 | 1229 |
In Horn of the Abyss MPbas cannot be changed during the day, hence the bug is fixed.
See Also: