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How to use

The code is copied at the beginning of the hero's article, and fill in the missing information. It should be noticed, that the factors below are case sensitive meaning, that "Town" is not the same as "town".

 | town       = 
 | class      = 
 | gender     = 
 | race       = 
 | specialty  = 
 | s_text     = 
 | skill_1    = 
 | skill_2    = 
 | spell      =
 | warmachine =
 | min_mp     =
 | max_mp     =
 | hota_mp    =
 | s_mp       =

If the hero does not have a starting spell or war machine then the following parameters should be defined without any value:

| nospell    =
| nowar      =

For all heroes amount of starting movement points depends on their starting army: if they got a slow creature in starting army - they start with less movement points. In HotA Horn of the Abyss all heroes are guaranteed to start with a certain set of creatures, so their starting movement points are constant. For all heroes that were introduced in HotA Horn of the Abyss parameter s_mp must be replaced with s_hota_mp with defined value.

 | s_hota_mp = 

If for some reason pictures of hero or specialty does not appear automatically, you can add the following rows:

 | picture       = 
 | specialty_pic = 

Also, the following lines are available:

 | name          = 
This is an example what the page will look like.
Adelaide the Cleric
Basic information:
Adelaide Class: Cleric
Gender: Female
Race: Human
Caught at sea during a storm, Adelaide was shipwrecked on the shores of Vori, home of the Snow Elves. She trained with them for some twenty years, and upon her return to Erathia discovered that no time had passed in her absence.
Specialty: Frost Ring
Specialty Frost Ring Casts Frost Ring with increased effect, based on hero level compared to the level of the target unit.
Starting secondary skill(s):
Advanced Wisdom  Advanced Wisdom
Starting troops:
Pikeman Pikeman 10–20 Always
Archer Archer 4–7 75%
Griffin Griffin 2–3 25%
Starting troops Horn of the Abyss:
Pikeman Pikeman 300–999 Always
Archer Archer 44–777 Always
Griffin Griffin 20–30 Always
Starting spell:
Frost Ring Frost Ring
Starting movement points:
Minimum Maximum HotA Horn of the Abyss
1560 1560 1560
Adelaide the Cleric is a Castle hero. Adelaide starts with a spell book and the spell Frost Ring.