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This list contains all the random map templates in {{roe}}, {{ab}}, {{sod}}, {{hota}}, {{hdmod}}, and tournaments. Information sourced from the official [ Horn of the Abyss website].
<p>This list contains all the random map templates in {{roe}}, {{ab}}, {{sod}}, {{hota}}, {{hdmod}}, and tournaments. Hold shift to sort by multiple columns.</p>
<p>Information sourced from the official [ Horn of the Abyss website].<br/>
==Notable Templates==
{{Tournament map icon}} Tournament templates sourced from [ MKC's website].</p>
===Original Template Pack===
This template pack is also known as Default template. It is a template pack that consists of multiple different templates suitable for various map configurations in terms of size and amount of players. Before generation starts, if this pack is used, one template is randomly selected from all the templates corresponding to the selected configuration. Although extensive, this template pack is believed to be not quite optimized for multiplayer sessions.

===Clash of Dragons===
<noinclude>{{Random map table}}</noinclude>
This template is played without any rules, like Anarchy. The most valuable treasure zones have neutral dragon dwellings, while the gameplan is based on joining the guards in these zones using Diplomacy.
{{Random map table row|players=2/2|min_size=M |max_size=M |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=disabled|name=2sm2c(2)}}
{{Random map table row|players=6/6|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=2sm4d(3)}}
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=6lm10a}}
*Map size: XL+U.
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Tournament|underground=enabled |name=6lm10a (1 Hero)}}
*Content types clarification:
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=8mm6a}}
**72 (player zones): content types (300–1900, 15), (2000–5000, 4), (5000–9000, 6).
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=8xm12a}}
**93 (white zones): content types (300–1900, 15), (5000–12000, 2), (10000–20000, 4).
{{Random map table row|players=6/6|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Anarchy}}
**336 (upper gold zones): content types (300–1900, 10), (10000–15000, 8), (20000–25000, 10).
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Apocalypse}}
**375 (lower gold zones): content types (20000–30000, 15).
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=M |max_size=G |source=Tournament|underground=enabled |name=Basic}}
**519 (intermediary gold zones): content types (300–1900, 6), (10000–15000, 10), (20000–25000, 15).
{{Random map table row|players=2/2|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Black'n'Blue}}
**800 (central gold zones, below): content types (80000–80000, 10).
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Boomerang}}
**1000 (central gold zones, above): content types (80000–120000, 10).
{{Random map table row|players=2/2|min_size=L |max_size=H |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Clash of Dragons}}
*Starting player zones (1, 14) have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Neighboring zones 2, 15, as well as central zones 6–9 — grass or subterranean. Intermediary zones 4, 17 — dirt or subterranean. Upper Zones 3, 16 — always lava. The rest (5, 18, 10–13) — snow or subterranean.
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Diamond}}
*Different towns of the same zone are allowed to have different alignments.
{{Random map table row|players=4/4|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Tournament|underground=enabled |name=Duel}}
*Towns in zones 5, 18 are always Towers.
{{Random map table row|players=2/2|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Firewalk}}
*Only Rampart, Dungeon and neutral creatures are generated in zones 6–13.
{{Random map table row|players=2/1|min_size=L |max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=h3dm1}}
*Zones 6–13 contain only neutral dwellings; Pandora's Boxes in these zones and Seer Huts requesting artifacts from these zones can have only neutral creatures as rewards.
{{Random map table row|players=4/4|min_size=L |max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=disabled|name=Jebus Cross}}
*Guards can be accepted for free. 100% of group is accepted.
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=L |max_size=G |source=Tournament|underground=disabled|name=Jebus Outcast}}
*Anarchy mode is on: SoD shifted guards bug is un-fixed, certain objects can be accessible using Fly or Dimension Door spell without fighting the guards.
{{Random map table row|players=4/4|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Tournament|underground=disabled|name=Jerusalem Cross}}
*Banned heroes:
{{Random map table row|players=6/6|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Kerberos}}
**{{h|Lord Haart|0=}}
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Mini-Nostalgia}}
{{Random map table row|players=4/1|min_size=L |max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=mt_Andromeda}}
*Allowed heroes:
{{Random map table row|players=4/1|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=disabled|name=mt_Antares}}
**{{h|Sir Mullich|image=Sir Mullich (HotA)|0=}}
{{Random map table row|players=4/1|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=disabled|name=mt_Diamond}}
**{{h|Galthran|image=Galthran (HotA)|0=}}
{{Random map table row|players=2/1|min_size=XH|max_size=G |source=Tournament|underground=disabled|name=mt_Duel}}
*Allowed artifacts:
{{Random map table row|players=2/1|min_size=L |max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=mt_Firewalk}}
**{{An|Orb of Inhibition}}
{{Random map table row|players=2/1|min_size=L |max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=mt_Jebus}}
**{{An|Recanter's Cloak}}
{{Random map table row|players=4/1|min_size=L |max_size=XL|source=Tournament|underground=enabled |name=mt_JO}}
*Banned object:
{{Random map table row|players=4/1|min_size=S |max_size=M |source=Tournament|underground=enabled |name=mt_SM}}
**[[New Hill Fort]]{{-wh}}
{{Random map table row|players=4/1|min_size=M |max_size=L |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=mt_TeamJebus}}
*Allowed objects:
{{Random map table row|players=2/2|min_size=M |max_size=M |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=disabled|name=Nine-day Wonder}}
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Nostalgia}}
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=S |max_size=G |source=Shadow of Death|underground=enabled |name=Original Template Pack}}
**[[Hill Fort]]
{{Random map table row|players=2/1|min_size=L |max_size=L |source=Tournament|underground=enabled |name=Shadow Economy}}
*Value of Spell Scrolls is reduced: 4th level spells — from 8000 to 4000, 5th level spells — from 10000 to 5000, Fly/Dimension Door/Town Portal — from 20000 to 5000. Maximum amount of these Scrolls is increased from 3/2/1 to 4.
{{Random map table row|players=2/2|min_size=M |max_size=M |source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=disabled|name=Skirmish(M)}}
*Special weeks are allowed.
{{Random map table row|players=2/2|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Tournament|underground=enabled |name=Souverain}}
*Combat round limit is 100.
{{Random map table row|players=8/8|min_size=XL|max_size=XL|source=Horn of the Abyss|underground=enabled |name=Spider}}<noinclude>
*Other differences from SoD version:
**There cannot be more mines in the zone than the number on layout prescribes.
*Suggested rules and settings:
**Map size: XL+U.
**The other rules are the same as Anarchy template rules:
===Jebus Cross===
One of the most popular templates overall, due to its simple layout and fast pace. Every player starts on a big, poorly guarded and rich zone with the native terrain. From the starting zone them may enter the extra-rich central zone. To do so, they must defeat strong passage guards. Once got into the central zone, the player starts to accumulate power rapidly, that's why it's crucial to get there as soon as possible (even on the first week). This template is not considered well-balanced, because the outcome depends greatly on the starting zones contents.
*Map size: XL-U or L-U.
*Content types clarification:
**103 (player zones): content types (300–3000, 14), (5000–16000, 6), (12000–22000, 1).
**610 (central gold zone): content types (10000–25000, 10), (25000–35000, 10), (35000–55000, 3).
*Zones 2–5 have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zone 1 is always sand.
*Different towns of the same zone are allowed to have different alignments.
*Zones 2–5 are set up symmetrically around the central zone 1.
*Banned hero:
*Allowed hero:
**{{h|Galthran|image=Galthran (HotA)|0=}}
*Maximum amount of Taverns, Mineral Springs and Hermit's Shacks per zone is increased to 3.
*Ancient Lamps are enabled in zones 1–4.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Other differences from SoD version:
**There cannot be more mines in the zone than the number on layout prescribes.
**All town and guard alignments are allowed.
*Suggested rules and settings:
===Jebus Outcast===
Template author: MKC
''Jebus Outcast was originally envisioned as a template which lets you experience Heroes 3 in a totally different way. It all began with a special version of Jebus King that had pretty much all the overpowered stuff removed. Then I showed it to John Denver, who had ideas similar to mine regarding the balance issues of Heroes 3, and he helped me pick the name for this template. Back then it was played with 8 Heroes like all the other templates. First streamer who started playing it and brought a lot of attention to JO was Lexiav, his feedback was crucial in the process of development. And later on, it was on his stream where I saw that playing this game with 1 Hero is actually viable (by adding certain rules basically), for me it was like the key missing element which was needed to turn Heroes 3 into a more approachable game for everyone. It was less time consuming, it was simple, engaging and fun.''
''From that moment Jebus Outcast started gaining more and more popularity. Especially when the first Jebus Roulette tournament was organized by Feral and Lexiav - then it really took off. The hype was so unreal that streamers like Gluhammer, Twaryna and Dreadz, as well as content creator Sir Troglodyte, all took notice of this new thing - 1 Hero gaming. They loved this template and I'm sure they brought a lot of new players to the lobby. At some point Baratorch even made a fix that disables the possibility of recruiting Heroes from Tavern, specifically for Outcast. And that's the story of how JO came to be what it is now.''{{-}}<sup>MKC, [ h3templates]</sup>
Main Features:
*All Pandora's Boxes contain units, except 7 big boxes in the desert which give all spells (55000 value each).
*Diplomacy effectiveness is reduced to 25% joining in the desert. Zone guards between desert and biomes can randomly spawn as 25% or 50% joining, depending on a tile they stand on.
*Can be played with or without “fake underground”. Adding underground level allows 2 uses of Dimension Door per turn (with Expert Air Magic) and it also doubles rating rewards in the online lobby.
*Jebus Outcast Islands is a special version of JO, where instead of a rich middle zone you have a large sea with many Utopia-like objects. All scrolls in the biome are TP, DD and Fly. To activate it, choose Water Content - Islands in the setup and select H+U or XH+U size. Can be played with 4 players max.
*Jebus Outcast Premium is an experimental version of JO, it unlocks top level Heroes and gives access to Triple Build from the start.
*More information:
==Core Templates==
M-size template designed to use with 200% difficulty. The starting conditions are poor, and the possibilities are either rush directly to opponent's zone (in case the guards are suitable), or explore the roadless treasure zone. The games are usually quick, and the outcome depends on spells found.
*Map size: M-U.
*Content types clarification:
**42 (player zones): content types (800–800, 9), (1000–2100, 4), (3500–4900, 7).
**92 (white zones): content types (800–2100, 5), (4000–5000, 6), (6000–8000, 9).
**121 (silver zones): content types (350–2000, 9), (8000–9150, 10), (1000–40000, 1).
*Starting player zones (1–2) have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Neighboring zones (3, 6) are generated with random terrain. Treasure zones (4–5) are always dirt zones.
*Players cannot select Necropolis or Conflux as their starting alignment.
**Banned heroes:
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Banned spells:
**{{Sn|Dimension Door}}
**{{Sn|Town Portal}}
*Banned artifact:
**{{An|Angel Wings}}
*Banned objects:
**[[Trading Post]]
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
Once popular, this template is now replaced by the others. The treasure zones on it may have valuable objects (like Relics), but connections leading there are imperatively roadless. The template allows a high variation of gameplay, the early contact in adjacent zones is as possible as exploration game or opponent zone rush. Even though the AI players are depicted on the layout, usually they are disabled, and their towns are rendered neutral.
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**55 (player zones and AI zones): content types (500–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**242 (gold zones): content types (10000–15000, 9), (15000–20000, 6), (20000–30000, 1).
*All zones with towns have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Differences from SoD version:
**There cannot be more mines and towns in the zone than the number on layout prescribes.
**Fixed road network: connections 1–2, 1–6, 1–8, 2–4, 2–7 have obligatory roads, the rest are imperatively roadless.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This is one of the most popular XL+U templates. Map layout is heavily branched, and therefore there is no distinct center. Vast territories are available for players' exploration, which makes this template quite well-balanced. Both players explore, conduct spell research and usually don't contact each other, unless one of them does it intentionally. There is some variety in treasure zones: 4 gold zones (which may contain Relic artifacts) being the most valuable, but hard to access, because all connections that lead there are imperatively roadless.
*Map size: XL+U.
*Content types clarification:
**55 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (500–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**133 (silver zones): content types (3000–6000, 9), (10000–15000, 6), (15000–20000, 1).
**242 (gold zones): content types (10000–15000, 9), (15000–20000, 6), (20000–30000, 1).
*All zones with towns have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zones without towns are generated with random terrain.
*Dragon Utopia frequency is increased to 200. Player and AI zones (1–6, 11–12) and intermediary zones (21–25) may have no more than 1 Dragon Utopia generated. Regular treasure zones (7–10, 13–16) may have no more than 2 Dragon Utopias generated. Greater treasure zones (17–20) have no limit on Dragon Utopia number.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Other differences from SoD version:
**Erratic 13–13 connection is removed.
**Connections 15–24 and 16–25 have their value changed from 3000 to 6000 (for the sake of symmetry).
**Obligatory roads added: 9–1–21–3 and 14–6–25–4 (2 roads per starting zone for red and blue players).
**Some connections were set to imperatively roadless: 3–23, 4–23, 9–23, 14–23 (shortcuts to the center) and 21–22, 24–25 (unguarded connections).
**Wide connections 21–22 and 24–25 are imperatively crossing the land borders.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This is the most contact XL+U template. Each player's accessible area contains AI zone and a corner treasure zone. From their area players may enter one of the 2 central treasure zones, where clash is the most probable. The zones are moderately rich, Relic artifacts cannot be found on their own.
*Map size: XL+U.
*Content types clarification:
**55 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (500–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
*133 (silver zones): content types (3000–6000, 9), (10000–15000, 6), (15000–20000, 1).
*Starting player zones and AI zones have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Differences from SoD version:
**Obligatory roads added: 1–19, 6–22, square 19–12–22–11–19.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This is an XL+U template with vast topology and branching road network, where players are considered to explore the territory and research spells. The template has a rich central treasure zone (with Relic artifacts inside) and several poorer treasure zones.
*Map size: XL+U.
*Content types clarification:
**55 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (500–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**133 (silver zones): content types (3000–6000, 9), (10000–15000, 6), (15000–20000, 1).
*242 (central gold zone): content types (10000–15000, 9), (15000–20000, 6), (20000–30000, 1).
*Zones with towns have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Dragon Utopia frequency is increased to 210. Player and AI zones (1–8) and intermediary zones (21–32) may have no more than 1 Dragon Utopia generated. Regular treasure zones (9–20) may have no more than 2 Dragon Utopias generated. Greater treasure zone (33) have no limit on Dragon Utopia number.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Other differences from SoD version:
**Removed all connections 4–15 and 5–14.
**Connections with treasure zones ((3–14, 3–11, 4–11, 6–15, 6–18, 5–18, 26–14, 22–11, 27–15, 31–18, 21–9, 23–10, 25–13, 29–17, 24–12, 28–16, 30–19, 32–20)) have their value changed from 3000 to 6000.
**Obligatory roads added: 12–24–1–21–9, 21–22–3, 22–4 and 20–32–8–29–17, 32–31–6, 31–5 (2 roads per starting zone for red and blue players).
**Some connections were set to imperatively roadless: 11–33, 14–33, 15–33, 18–33 (shortcuts to the center zone) and 4–27, 5–26 (ways to opponent's computer players).
**All mines except gold mines are removed from zone 33.
**Crystal and gem mines are added to zones 22 and 33. Mercury and sulfur mines are added to zones 21 and 32.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This template's gameplay is based on the gameplay elements that are usually banned (mechanically or verbally): Cloak of the Undead King, joining guards by Diplomacy, Cartographer, poorly guarded spell scrolls, abusing misplaced guards. One template of 12 is randomly selected each generation, and the player has to guess each time.
General specifications:
*Map size: L+U.
*Starting player zones have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Guards can be accepted for free. 100% of group is accepted.
*Anarchy mode is on: SoD shifted guards bug is un-fixed, certain objects can be accessible using Fly or Dimension Door spell without fighting the guards.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Lord Haart|0=}}
*Allowed heroes:
**{{h|Sir Mullich|image=Sir Mullich (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Galthran|image=Galthran (HotA)|0=}}
*Allowed artifacts:
**{{An|Orb of Inhibition}}
**{{An|Recanter's Cloak}}
*Banned object:
**[[New Hill Fort]]{{-wh}}
*Allowed objects:
**[[Hill Fort]]
*Value of Spell Scrolls is reduced: 4th level spells — from 8000 to 4000, 5th level spells — from 10000 to 5000, Fly/Dimension Door/Town Portal — from 20000 to 5000. Maximum amount of these Scrolls is increased from 3/2/1 to 4.
*Special weeks are allowed.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Differences from SoD version:
**Lower content value range is changed from 0–3000 to 100–3000 on all templates of the pack.
**Connection 10–12 on the 6th template has the value changed from 12500 to 6000 (for the sake of symmetry).
*Suggested rules and settings:
Quite poor treasure-wise template, where the players start in underground level, and the surface consists of two large sand zones, separated by AI zones. In-zone guards are enhanced. There are no treasure zones whatsoever, but all zones have higher frequency of valuable objects. The template shows 3 sand zones per player, but, as they are connected with wide connections, 6 zones effectively turn into 2.
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**76 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (100–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (9000–15000, 3).
*Starting player zones and AI zones are always located on the underground layer and have subterranean terrain. The rest are on the surface and have sand terrain.
*Players and AI cannot select Necropolis as starting alignment. All neutral tows are Necropolises.
*All Necropolis heroes are banned.
*Allowed artifacts:
**{{An|Amulet of the Undertaker}}
**{{An|Vampire's Cowl}}
**{{An|Dead Man's Boots}}
*Banned objects:
**[[Dragon Utopia]]
**[[Skeleton Transformer]]
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This template makes use of non-standard objects. Each player has access to the snow zones with Ancient Lamps, Pandora Boxes with Stone Golems and Dragon Utopias; as well as Subterranean zones with Pandora Boxes waving Skeletons and (seldom) Vampire Lords inside. Player areas are connected via large and rich treasure zone with Ancient Lamps, Creature Pandora Boxes, Dragon Utopias and Faerie Dragon Dwellings.
General specifications:
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**47 (player zones): content types (500–3000, 7), (3000–6000, 6), (6000–10000, 1).
**139 (lower silver zones): content types (250–3000, 4), (3000–12000, 6), (15000–20000, 5).
**199 (upper silver zones): content types (3000–8000, 8), (6000–10000, 10), (8000–17000, 6).
**550 (central gold zone): content types (5000–10000, 12), (10000–15000, 8), (15000–45000, 12).
*Zones 8–11 are always generated in the underground and always have subterranean terrain. The rest are always on the surface. Starting player zones (1–2) have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zones 3–5, 7 are always snow zones. central zone 1 is always a sand zone.
*Zone 3–5, 7 towns are always Towers. Zone 8–11 towns are always Necropolises. Central zone 1 towns are always Confluxes.
*Banned heroes:
*Banned secondary skill:
*Banned artifacts:
**{{An|Skull Helmet}}
**{{An|Tunic of the Cyclops King}}
**{{An|Dead Man's Boots}}
**{{An|Angel Wings}}
**{{An|Spellbinder's Hat}}
**{{An|Statesman's Medal}}
**{{An|Diplomat's Ring}}
**{{An|Ambassador's Sash}}
*Banned spells:
**{{Sn|Dimension Door}}
**{{Sn|Town Portal}}
*Special weeks are allowed.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
The template consisting of a large number of zones with default contents and several rich central treasure zones (Relic generation is possible).
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**55 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (500–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**242 (gold zones): content types (10000–15000, 9), (15000–20000, 6), (20000–30000, 1).
*Starting player zones and AI zones have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This is a rich template full of variation. Every player has 4 lightly guarded passages to treasure zones, and players’ treasure zones are separated by AI zones. Treasure zones may have unguarded small treasures, like piles of gold, but also the most valuable rewards, like Relics. The template has a lot of villages on it, and the road network allows quite a lot of variation in gameplay, from early contact to suspended endgame.
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**68 (player zones): content types (100–3000, 12), (3000–6000, 6), (6000–8999, 3).
**58 (AI zones): content types (100–3000, 12), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**219 (gold zones): content types (100–3000, 9), (9000–20000, 9), (20000–30000, 3).
*Starting player zones and AI zones have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Different towns of the same zone are allowed to have different alignments.
*Non-coherent road networks are allowed inside all zones.
*Dragon Utopia frequency is increased to 200. Player and AI zones (1–8) may have no more than 1 Dragon Utopia generated. Greater treasure zones (9–16) have no limit on Dragon Utopia number.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Other differences from SoD version:
**Lower content value range is changed from 0–3000 to 100–3000.
**Obligatory roads added: 1–9, 1–10, 1–11, 1–15 and 2–12, 2–13, 2–14, 2–16 (4 roads per starting zone for red and blue players).
*Suggested rules and settings:
This template is focused on highly dynamic game. Player starting zones contain 3 towns and are very rich, but with some custom rules: 1 dwelling of 7th level and 2 dwellings of 6th level, and Pandora’s boxes with experience, are always present; Dragon Utopias and banks which give creatures in reward are forbidden. The connection to white zone is worth opening soon: there the big piles of gold, banks with gold in reward and a Conflux village can be found. Besides white zone, there are 3 treasure zones present on the template: “Creature Bank zone”, “Big Sand zone” and “Dragon Utopia zone”.
General specifications:
*Map size: XL+U.
*Content types clarification:
**130 (player and zones: 1, 2): content types (300–-3000, 10), (5000–-16000, 6), (12000–-22000, 3).
**78 (white zones: 4, 5, 104, 105): content types (300–-3000, 5), (3500–-3500, 20).
**610 (big sand zones: 3, 103): content types (10000–-25000, 10), (25000-–35000, 10), (35000-–55000, 3).
**440 (army zones: 6, 106): content types (7900–-8100, 20), (7900-–8100, 20).
**9160 (dragon utopia zones: 7, 107): content types (7900–-8100, 20), (45000–45000, 100), (45000–-45000, 100).
*Zones 4, 5 and 7 are always located on the underground layer on subterranean terrain. The rest are located on surface layer. Starting player zones (1 and 2) have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zone 3 is generated on sand, and zone 6 is generated on lava.
*Monsters disposition is forced to Savage (10) — they won’t join neither for free, nor for gold.
*Villages in zones 4 and 5 are always Confluxes.
*Allowed artifacts:
**{{An|Orb of Inhibition}}
**{{An|Recanter's Cloak}}
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This is an XL+U template suitable for three players game (exploration and spell research-based). It consists of a large number of zones. Each player has one AI and a corner treacure zone in their area, from where they can enter the central area, consisting of three regular- ad 3 rich (potential Relics can be found) treasure zones.
*Map size: XL+U.
*Content types clarification:
**55 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (500–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**133 (silver zones): content types (3000–6000, 9), (10000–15000, 6), (15000–20000, 1).
**242 (gold zones): content types (10000–15000, 9), (15000–20000, 6), (20000–30000, 1).
*Starting player zones and AI zones have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Different towns of the same zone are forced to have the same alignment.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Kyrre|image=Kyrre (HotA)|0=}}
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
On this template players never make an early contact between themselves, but since the first days they fight their corresponding AI. 3 lightly guarded passages lead from AI zones to rich, but usually small treasure zones with a chance of getting a Relic. Player zones are connected via even richer treasure zone, connections heavily guarded.
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**61 (player zones and AI zones): content types (100–3000, 14), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
*242 (gold zones): content types (10000–15000, 9), (15000–20000, 6), (20000–30000, 1).
*Starting player zones and AI zones have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Differences from SoD version:
**Lower content value range is changed from 0–3000 to 100–3000.
*Suggested rules and settings:
===Nine-day Wonder===
M-size template designed to use with 200% difficulty. Special object generation settings improve the balance, compared to other M-size templates. The players are able to enter the grass zone with poor treasures and the dirt zone with Dragon Fly Hives and Wolf Raider Pickets that have weaker-then-default guards; passage to both zones is lightly guarded. From these zones they may access the lava treasure zone with normally guarded Pickets and other valuable objects. One may also rush to the opponent’s zone via the dirt zone.
General specifications:
*Map size: M-U.
*Content types clarification:
**35 (player zones): content types (300–2000, 10), (2000–5000, 5), (5000–9000, 1).
**47 (lower white zones): content types (100–3000, 10), (3000–6000, 7).
**96 (upper white zones): content types (500–6000, 9), (6000–10000, 7), (10000–12000, 1).
**135 (central silver zone): content types (2000–6000, 11), (6000–15000, 7), (15000–20000, 1).
*Starting player zones (1, 4) have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Neighboring zones 3 and 7 are always dirt zones. Neighboring zones 5–6 are always grass zones. Treasure zone 2 is always a lava zone.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Solmyr|image=Solmyr (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Banned secondary skill:
**{{ss|Eagle Eye}}
*Banned artifacts:
**{{An|Angel Wings}}
**{{An|Wayfarer's Boots}}
**{{An|Amulet of the Undertaker}}
**{{An|Garniture of Interference}}
**{{An|Surcoat of Counterpoise}}
**{{An|Boots of Polarity}}
**{{An|Bird of Perception}}
**{{An|Stoic Watchman}}
**{{An|Emblem of Cognizance}}
**{{An|Head of Legion}}
**{{An|Arms of Legion}}
**{{An|Torso of Legion}}
**{{An|Loins of Legion}}
**{{An|Legs of Legion}}
*Banned spells:
**{{Sn|Dimension Door}}
**{{Sn|Town Portal}}
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This is a non-contact XL+U template with a simple layout, exploration and spell research-based gameplan is expected. Every player has access to their own half of the map, halves being connected via rare treasure zones. The treasure zones are valuable, but only the central one may have Relics generated. Though this template is non-contact, the tempo is compensated by obligatory roads in each connection.
*Map size: XL+U.
*Content types clarification:
**53 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (100–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**244 (gold zones): content types (6000–8999, 9), (10000–17000, 9), (17000–20000, 3).
**292 (central gold zone): content types (10000–15000, 9), (15000–20000, 6), (20000–30000, 3).
*Starting player zones and AI zones have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Other differences from SoD version:
**Lower range of white, player and AI zones content is changed from 0–3000 to 100–3000.
**Value of connections 12–16, 13–16, 10–17, 15–17, 11–24, 14–24 is changed from 6000 to 12500.
**All connections have obligatory roads.
*Suggested rules and settings:
M-size template designed to use with 200% difficulty. Poor player areas are connected by 3 rather valuable treasure zones. The pairs of zones usually have multiple connections, some of which have roads. The games are usually quick, and the outcome depends on spells found.
*Map size: M-U.
*Content types clarification:
**26 (player zones): content types (330–1000, 3), (1000–2000, 7), (3300–3500, 4).
**56 (white zones): content types (330–1500, 5), (1500–2000, 2), (5000–7000, 8).
**114 (silver zones): content types (350–2000, 3), (8000–9150, 10), (1000–40000, 1).
*Starting player zones (1–2) have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest (3–7) have their terrain randomly selected from the list: dirt, grass, lava, highlands.
*Players cannot select Necropolis or Conflux as their starting alignment. The towns in neighboring zones (3–4) are always Necropolises.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Solmyr|image=Solmyr (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Banned artifacts:
**{{An|Angel Wings}}
*Banned spells:
**{{Sn|Dimension Door}}
**{{Sn|Town Portal}}
*Banned objects:
**[[Trading Post]]
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This XL+U template is not so rich. The town number here is above usual, connections are poorly guarded. The players are expected to base their game plan on exploration and spell research. Treasure zones are quite valuable (though they may not contain Relic artifacts), but they are roadless and quite heavily guarded.
*Map size: XL+U.
*Content types clarification:
**53 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (100–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**238 (gold zones): content types (6000–8999, 9), (10000–16000, 9), (16000–20000, 3).
*Zones with towns have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*Dragon Utopia frequency in greater treasure zones (17–24) is increased to 200.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Other differences from SoD version:
**Upper range of zones 1–16 content is changed from 6000–9999 to 10000–15000, lesser range is changed from 0–3000 to 100–3000.
**Value of connections 3–9, 3–11, 4–10, 4–12 is changed from 3000 to 9000.
**Obligatory roads added: 1–9, 1–10, 1–13, 2–11, 2–12, 2–14 (3 roads per starting zone for red and blue players).
*Suggested rules and settings:
==Mirror Templates==
One of the most popular mirror templates. This template follows a simple gameplan: starting zone > secondary town zone > treasure zone. Treasure zones contain rich rewards, but are often small and lack the most valuable treasures, like Relic artifacts. Connection guards are considered difficult on the first week, but starting from the second week they become an easy goal, thus letting players to pass them and get in contact with their opponents. Although, early contact is not guaranteed due to complicated map topology, so players are forced to clear the treasure zones and conduct spell research, as on XL+U maps. This template is considered to be among the most balanced ones.
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**58 (player zones and white zones): content types (100–3000, 12), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**244 (gold zones): content types (6000–8999, 9), (10000–17000, 9), (17000–20000, 3).
*Mirror template. Underground is generated exactly similar to surface level. Zone content on the surface and in the underground is also the same.
*Zones 1–4 and their mirror copies have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zones 5–10 and their mirror copies are generated with random terrain.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Kyrre|image=Kyrre (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Jeddite|image=Jeddite (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This is a mirror XL+U template, suitable for long and rather contactless games, heavily based on exploration and spell research. Treasure zones are not so rich and cannot contain Relic artifacts. Due to having underground tunnels replaced by fully functional surface layer, this template generates maps effectively bigger than regular XL+U, which is compensated by having obligatory roads for every connection.
*Map size: XL+U.
*Content types clarification:
**55 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (500–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**133 (silver zones): content types (3000–6000, 9), (10000–15000, 6), (15000–20000, 1).
*Mirror template. Underground is generated exactly similar to surface level. Zone content on the surface and in the Underworld is also the same.
*Player zones and AI zones and have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*All connections have obligatory roads.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Kyrre|image=Kyrre (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Jeddite|image=Jeddite (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This is a mirror template for early contacts and quick expansion. It is topologically close to mt_Andromeda, but the gameplay differs greatly. Treasure zones are small and not so rich, cannot contain Relic artifacts as well.
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**55 (player zones, AI zones and white zones): content types (500–3000, 9), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
*133 (silver zones): content types (3000–6000, 9), (10000–15000, 6), (15000–20000, 1).
*Mirror template. Underworld is generated exactly similar to surface level. Zone content on the surface and in the Underworld is also the same.
*Player zones and AI zones and have the native terrain of their corresponding town. The rest are generated with random terrain.
*All connections have obligatory roads.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Kyrre|image=Kyrre (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Jeddite|image=Jeddite (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This template is a mirror variant of Diamond template. Each player has 3 easy passages to the treasure zones on their own level and one difficult passage to the treasure zone on opponent's level. AI zones are located between the treasure zones. Treasure zones content varies from unguarded gold, as well as some other small rewards, to the objects of immense value, like Relic artifacts. Road network is enhanced, compared to Diamond's
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**58 (player zones and AI zones): content types (100–3000, 12), (3000–6000, 6), (10000–15000, 1).
**219 (gold zones): content types (100–3000, 9), (9000–20000, 9), (20000–30000, 3).
*Mirror template. Underground is generated exactly similar to surface level. Zone content on the surface and in the underground is also the same.
*Zones 1–4 and their mirror copies have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zones 5–8 and their mirror copies are generated with random terrain.
*Different towns of the same zone are allowed to have different alignments.
*Non-coherent road networks are allowed inside all zones.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Kyrre|image=Kyrre (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Jeddite|image=Jeddite (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This template is mirror version of Firewalk template and is focused on highly dynamic game. AI and player starting zones contain 3 towns and are very rich, but with some custom rules: 1 dwelling of 7th level and 2 dwellings of 6th level, and Pandora's boxes with experience, are always present; Dragon Utopias and banks which give creatures in reward are forbidden. The connection to white zone is worth opening soon: there the big piles of gold, banks with gold in reward and a Conflux village can be found. Besides white zone, there are 3 treasure zones present on each layer of template, known as “Creature Bank zone”, “Big Sand zone” and “Dragon Utopia zone”.
General specifications:
*Map size: XL+U.
*Content types clarification:
**96 (player and AI zones: 1, 2, 101, 102): content types (300–3000, 10), (5000–16000, 6), (12000–22000, 3).
**113 (white zones: 4, 5, 104, 105): content types (300–3000, 5), (3500–3500, 20).
**610 (big sand zones: 3, 103): content types (10000–25000, 10), (25000–35000, 10), (35000–55000, 3).
**480 (creature bank zones: 6, 106): content types (7900–8100, 20), (7900–8100, 20).
**9160 (dragon utopia zones: 7, 107): content types (7900–8100, 20), (45000–45000, 100), (45000–45000, 100).
*Mirror template. Underground is generated exactly similar to surface level. Zone content on the surface and in the underground is also the same.
*Mirror zones are cross-connected: a portal in an arbitrary zone #X leads to a portal in the copy of another zone #Y (i.e., zone #Y+100), and vice-versa.
*Starting player (1 and 101) and AI (2 and 102) zones have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zone 3, 7 and their mirror copies are always sand zones. Zones 4, 5 and their mirror copies are always generated on dirt. Zone 6 and its mirror copy is always a lava zone.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Kyrre|image=Kyrre (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Jeddite|image=Jeddite (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Villages in zones 4, 5 and their mirror copies are always Confluxes.
*Allowed artifacts: Orb of Inhibition and Recanter's Cloak.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This template is a mirror variant of Jebus Cross template. Each player has a big ang rich treasure zone on their native terrain at their disposal. There is also a heavily guarded access to an extra-rich central treasure zone. Central treasure zone consists of two parts – one on each layer – connected by unguarded portals. This treasure zone tends to be even richer than on original Jebus Cross maps.
*Map size: L+U.
*Content types clarification:
**103 (player zones): content types (300–3000, 14), (5000–16000, 6), (12000–22000, 1).
**610 (gold zones): content types (10000–25000, 10), (25000–35000, 10), (35000–55000, 3).
*Mirror template. Underground is generated exactly similar to surface level. Zone content on the surface and in the underground is also the same.
*Mirror zones are cross-connected: a portal in an arbitrary zone #X leads to a portal in the copy of another zone #Y (i.e., zone #Y+100), and vice-versa.
*Mirror connection monoliths are repulsed from towns, land connection guards and each other.
*Zone 1 and its mirror copy have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zone 2 and its mirror copy is always a sand zone.
*Different towns of the same zone are allowed to have different alignments.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Kyrre|image=Kyrre (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Jeddite|image=Jeddite (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Maximum amount of Taverns, Mineral Springs and Hermit's Shacks per zone is increased to 3.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
This template is a mirror variant of Jebus Cross template for 2v2 team games. Each player has a big ang rich treasure zone on their native terrain at their disposal. There is also a heavily guarded access to an extra-rich central treasure zone. Ally zones lack direct connections, but hiring heroes in allied taverns, as well as using Town Portal spell is still available.
*Map size: L+U, M+U.
*Content types clarification:
**103 (player zones): content types (300–3000, 14), (5000–16000, 6), (12000–22000, 1).
**610 (gold zones): content types (10000–25000, 10), (25000–35000, 10), (35000–55000, 3).
*Mirror template. Underground is generated exactly similar to surface level. Zone content on the surface and in the underground is also the same.
*Mirror zones are cross-connected: a portal in an arbitrary zone #X leads to a portal in the copy of another zone #Y (i.e., zone #Y+100), and vice-versa.
*On M+U size map only 1 pair of mirror connection is allowed, on L+U size map 2 pairs are present.
*Mirror connection monoliths are repulsed from towns, land connection guards and each other.
*Zone 1–2 and their mirror copies have the native terrain of their corresponding town. Zone 3 and its mirror copy is always a sand zone.
*Different towns of the same zone are allowed to have different alignments.
*Banned heroes:
**{{h|Kyrre|image=Kyrre (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Jeddite|image=Jeddite (HotA)|0=}}
**{{h|Luna|image=Luna (HotA)|0=}}
*Maximum amount of Taverns, Mineral Springs and Hermit's Shacks per zone is increased to 3.
*Special weeks are disabled.
*Combat round limit is 100.
*Suggested rules and settings:
==Tournament Templates==
Template author: MKC
''Duel is a template designed for 1 Hero gameplay. The addition of 3 guaranteed control scrolls in the starting zone gives players more freedom of movement and negates some aspects of randomness in the game, like bad roads and obstacles. Duel was originally a version of Jebus Outcast, which then evolved as a separate template. Thanks to the changes that align with its more competitive nature, pro players of Duel are able to achieve the highest possible win rates on a non-mirror template. Making Duel the one and only cybersport template number 1 in Heroes 3.''{{-}}<sup>MKC, [ h3templates]</sup>
Main Features:
*The Bunker is an underground zone where a player spawns, it contains: 3 control scrolls (Fly, Dimension Door and Town Portal), Wood, Ore and Gold mines, several Knowledge boosters and Pandora's Box with all lvl 3 spells (requires Basic Wisdom).
*Gold Mine guards in the Bunker always join (75%, without Diplomacy), price range is from 2000 to 7600 gold - max roll of Walking Dead (Skeletons, Familiars, Fire Elementals).
*On the topside of your biome there's 4 towns: 2 of which mirror your starting town, one town that mirrors central desert town and another one is a Conflux town (used for learning magic skills and selling artifacts).
*Pandora with all spells (which requires Expert Wisdom) can be found in the "Side Bunker" which is located in the corner of a Side Treasury. 50k value entrance guard.
*Diplomacy effectiveness is reduced to 25% joining in the desert and starting biomes.
*All Pandora's Boxes on the surface always give units.
*Duo Duel is made for 2v2 format: Red & Tan vs Blue & Green. This version has Shackles of War and retreating (surrendering) is allowed without any restrictions.
*More information:
Main Features:
*XH - G size, 2 - 4 players.
*8 Heroes version has Shackles of War.
*Starting zone contains: 3 control scrolls (Fly, DD and TP), Conflux town, 2 Portals leading to your biome, Wood, Ore and Gold mines, several Knowledge boosters and Pandora's Box with all LVL 3 spells (requires Basic Wisdom).
*Gold Mine guards in the Bunker always join (75%, without Diplomacy), price range is from 2000 to 7600 gold - max roll of Walking Dead (Skeletons, Familiars, Fire Elementals).
*In the biome there's 4 towns: 2 of which mirror your starting town, and the other two mirror the faction of a nearby Side Zone.
*All towns in the middle zone belong to the same faction.
*Pandora with all spells (which requires Expert Wisdom) can be found through the portal located within the Side Treasury. 50k value entrance guard.
*Diplomacy effectiveness is reduced to 25% joining in the desert and starting biomes.
*More information:
===Basic Test===
Core Features:
*The name is self-explanatory; Basic means that pretty much everything is unbanned and nothing is guaranteed.
*2 templates in one pack. XL+U is Basic Duel and XL-U (without underground level) is Basic JO.
*Basic JO allows only 1 DD per turn with tournament rules enabled.
*All Pandoras contain units, except 6 big boxes in the desert which give all spells (55000 value each).
*Diplomacy effectiveness is reduced to 25% joining in the desert. Zone guards between desert and biomes can randomly spawn as 25% or 50% joining, depending on a tile they stand on.
*(Duel only) The Bunker is an underground zone where players spawn, it contains: 3 control scrolls (Fly, DD and TP), Wood, Ore and Gold mines, several Knowledge boosters and Pandora's Box with all LVL 3 spells (requires Basic Wisdom).
*(Duel only) Gold Mine guards in the Bunker always join (75% of units, without Diplomacy), the price ranges from 2000 to 7600 gold - max roll of Walking Dead (Skeletons, Familiars, Fire Elementals).
*More information:
===Jerusalem Cross===
Template author: MKC
Differences compared to Duel:
*Very different map structure.
*18 zones instead of 9.
*5 Bunkers with All Spells boxes.
*2 Dragon Utopias in the biome instead of 1.
*Triple build in the biome.
*Quadro build in one of the Side Bunkers.
*5 desert zones of one faction. These zones have guaranteed T6 and T7 boxes (x2 and x1 respectively).
*Central desert zone has no roads.
*All desert zones should have 2 Dragon Utopias and 1 Library of Enlightenment.
*Diplomacy is 50% in the biomes.
*More information:
Template author: MKC
Main Features:
*L size 2 players, XL size 2 - 8 players.
*All Pandoras contain units, except 7 big boxes in the desert which give all spells (55000 value each).
*Diplomacy effectiveness is reduced to 25% joining in the desert. Zone guards between desert and biomes can randomly spawn as 25% or 50% joining, depending on a tile they stand on.
===Shadow Economy===
Template author: MKC
''Shadow Economy is the most unique template in Heroes 3 and my personal favorite. Its name is a reference to the fact that here Black Markets have all kinds of Relics for sale. Including those that are not normally available on other templates. This adds a new layer of depth into the game, you can now choose between buying Army or powerful Artifacts. Moreover different Relics are now properly valued, for instance you can buy an assembled Wizard's Well for just 7500 gold, however if you want something like Armageddon's Blade or Horn of the Abyss you will need 125000 gold, which is more fair in comparison to the current system where all Relics have the same value.
Another unique feature of this template is Player biomes that are meant to represent your faction's City, both visually and functionally. There's no guards other than in high tier Dwellings, no roadblocks, no breaks so you are just free to do whatever you want. The variety of Dwellings allows you to experiment with exotic builds which are usually deemed not viable. Overall I think this template is great for complete beginners in Heroes 3, due to its adventure-like gameplay.''{{-}}<sup>MKC, [ h3templates]</sup>
Main Features:
*L size map. No more than 1 DD per turn!
*Dimension Door scroll can be found inside the Home Bunker.
*Bunker boxes give random rewards (Spells, Gold and Experience). Spell boxes can't contain LVL5 Spells.
*Inside Bunkers all guards join for free, without Diplomacy (25 - 50%).
*Middle Bunker (150K Guards) has a chance to spawn certain objects that are not available on the rest of the map. Warrior's Tomb, Churchyard, Black Tower and Dragon Utopia. On this template you might randomly get Relic from any of those objects.
*Town Gate objects are available in each zone on the surface.
*All Minor Artifacts are removed along with all objects that give Relic or Minor Artifacts. However you can buy all Relics on Black Markets. Including those that are not normally available on other templates, like Armageddon's Blade and Horn of the Abyss.
*Value of all Artifacts was increased by 40%.
===6lm10a (1 Hero)===
Template author: MKC
Main differences
*Removed Spells: Slow, Haste, Protection from Water and Summon Earth Elementals.
*Removed Artifacts: Orb of Silt.
*Added Artifacts: Golden Goose, Cornucopia and Statue of Legion (as Relics) as well as Sleepkeeper, Surcoat of Counterpoise and Boots of Polarity.
*Many redundant Secondary Skills have been removed.
*Added Airship Yards in the treasure zones i55 (index 55).
*Starting zones always have Hut of the Magi. And all treasure zones except i242 spawn with an Eye of the Magi.
*Added second town that mirrors player's faction in the biomes (without Fort building).
*Number of T1 - T5 Dwellings in the biome is tailored for each faction separately. Higher tier dwellings are guaranteed.
*Town Gate value is reduced to 3500 value (from 10k) and it should spawn in every zone.
*Pandora's boxes with gold and spells have been limited to 1 max per zone.
*Removed some redundant Pandora types and Quests.
*Greatly reduced the frequency of Creature Banks (like Hives, Pickets, Shops etc.).

== See also ==
== See also ==
[[Random Map]]
* [[List of maps]]
[[Template Editor]]
* [[List of maps (HotA)]]
* [[List of campaign maps]]
* [[List of campaign maps (HotA)]]
* [[Random Map]]
* [[Template Editor]]

[[Category:Generated Maps]]
[[Category:Generated Maps]]

Revision as of 15:37, 25 July 2024