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{{Combination artifact
  | name  = {{PAGENAME}}
  | slot    = Helmet
  | class =  
  | blocked = Necklace
  | class =  
  | cost    = 25000
  | cost  =  
  | art_1  = Necklace of Ocean Guidance
  | effect =  
  | art_2  = Sea Captain's Hat
  | event  = You trip over the Admiral's Hat, dust it off, and stick it in your pack.
  | effect = No boarding or unboarding ship penalty. Converts movement points between the hero's land and water movement.<br>'''Component effects:''' +1500 [[movement points]] on water;<br>[[Summon Boat]] and [[Scuttle Boat]] spells;<br>Protects army in [[whirlpool]]s.

In addition to the regular bonuses, the Admiral's Hat gives these advantages:
In addition to the regular bonuses, the Admiral's Hat gives these advantages:
*No penalty when boarding / disembarking from a [[boat]].
*No penalty when boarding / disembarking from a [[boat]].
*Converts [[Movement]] points between land and sea.
*Converts [[movement points]] between land and sea.
*Component effects: Hero sea [[movement]] + 1500; [[Summon Boat]] and [[Scuttle Boat]] spells; protects army in [[whirlpool]]s.
== Admiral's Hat bug ==
A famous {{sod}} bug, which allows a player who has Admiral's Hat, access to water tile, speed-boosting artifacts or a nearby scout with creatures of different speed in the army, and some spare time to convert all this into the immense amount of movement points.
First, how does water/dry land movement conversion work:
MP<sup>''bas''</sup> - basic movement points
MP<sup>''act''</sup> - actual movement points
WMP<sup>''bas''</sup> - basic movement points on water
WMP<sup>''act''</sup> - actual movement points on water
m - move cost (affected by a starting tile [[Movement penalty|terrain penalty]] and [[Favorable Winds]] bonus)
Boarding MP convertion: {{Math|WMP<sup>''act''</sup> <nowiki>=</nowiki> (MP<sup>''act''</sup>-m) &times; WMP<sup>''bas''</sup>/MP<sup>''bas''</sup>}}
Landing MP convertion:{{---}}{{Math|MP<sup>''act''</sup> <nowiki>=</nowiki> (WMP<sup>''act''</sup>-m)/(WMP<sup>''bas''</sup>/MP<sup>''bas''</sup>)}}
MP<sup>''bas''</sup> depends on:
# speed of the slowest creature in the army
# speed artifacts ([[Equestrian Gloves]], [[Boots of Speed]])
# daily/weekly MP boosting objects visited
# [[Logistics]] and [[Navigation]] skills/specialties
The Admiral's Hat bug is based on the fact that MP<sup>''bas''</sup> is not fixed at the beginning of the day; - the game recalculates it during the turn every time one of the options described above is changed.
So it can be manipulated easily by:
# changing the slowest unit
# un/equipping [[Equestrian Gloves]] and/or [[Boots of Speed]]
The mechanics of the abuse briefly can be described as "slow boarding, quick landing". E.g.: a hero with 6th speed (1700 MP) and [[Boots of Speed]] artifact, which gives +600 MP, (and equipped [[Admiral's Hat]], of course) boarding from the terrain without movement penalty by a straight step (m = 100). No [[Navigation]] or [[Lighthouse]] bonuses. [[Boots of Speed]] are removed for boarding and equipped for landing. The overall effect will look like:
{| border cellspacing=0 width=300px style="text-align:center;"
comparing to how it should work with MP<sup>''bas''</sup> fixed at the start of the turn level:
{| border cellspacing=0 width=300px style="text-align:center;"
In {{hota}} MP<sup>''bas''</sup> cannot be changed during the day, hence the bug is fixed.{{-wh}}

Requires the following artifacts to create:
{{Artifact 'see also'}}
*[[Necklace of Ocean Guidance]].
*[[Sea Captain's Hat]]

Base [[Cost]]: 125000 [[gold]]
{{movement navigational box}}

[[Category: Artifacts]]
[[Category: Relic artifacts]]
[[Category: Combination artifacts]]

Revision as of 17:20, 9 October 2024

Artifacts (by class)
t Amulet of the Undertaker
t Badge of Courage
t Bird of Perception
t Bow of Elven Cherrywood
t Breastplate of Petrified Wood
t Cape of Conjuring
t Cards of Prophecy
t Centaur's Axe
t Charm of Mana
t Clover of Fortune
t Collar of Conjuring
t Crest of Valor
t Dragonbone Greaves
t Glyph of Gallantry
t Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn
t Hourglass of the Evil Hour
t Ladybird of Luck
t Legs of Legion
t Mystic Orb of Mana
t Necklace of Swiftness
t Pendant of Death
t Pendant of Dispassion
t Pendant of Free Will
t Pendant of Holiness
t Pendant of Life
t Pendant of Total Recall
t Quiet Eye of the Dragon
t Ring of Conjuring
t Ring of Vitality
t Shield of the Dwarven Lords
t Skull Helmet
t Speculum
t Spirit of Oppression
t Spyglass
t Still Eye of the Dragon
t Stoic Watchman
t Talisman of Mana
t Demon's Horseshoe  Horn of the Abyss
t Ring of Suppression  Horn of the Abyss
t Runes of Imminency  Horn of the Abyss
m Armor of Wonder
m Blackshard of the Dead Knight
m Boots of Speed
m Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane
m Buckler of the Gnoll King
m Crown of the Supreme Magi
m Dragon Wing Tabard
m Emblem of Cognizance
m Equestrian's Gloves
m Greater Gnoll's Flail
m Helm of Chaos
m Inexhaustible Cart of Ore
m Inexhaustible Cart of Lumber
m Loins of Legion
m Red Dragon Flame Tongue
m Rib Cage
m Ring of Life
m Scales of the Greater Basilisk
m Shield of the Yawning Dead
m Torso of Legion
m Vampire's Cowl
m Charm of Eclipse Horn of the Abyss
m Hideous Mask Horn of the Abyss
m Seal of Sunset Horn of the Abyss
m Shaman's Puppet Horn of the Abyss
M Ambassador's Sash
M Angel Feather Arrows
M Arms of Legion
M Breastplate of Brimstone
M Cape of Velocity
M Dead Man's Boots
M Diplomat's Ring
M Dragon Scale Shield
M Endless Bag of Gold
M Endless Purse of Gold
M Everflowing Crystal Cloak
M Everpouring Vial of Mercury
M Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur
M Garniture of Interference
M Head of Legion
M Golden Bow
M Hellstorm Helmet
M Necklace of Dragonteeth
M Necklace of Ocean Guidance
M Ogre's Club of Havoc
M Orb of Driving Rain
M Orb of the Firmament
M Orb of Silt
M Orb of Tempestuous Fire
M Pendant of Courage
M Pendant of Negativity
M Pendant of Second Sight
M Recanter's Cloak
M Ring of Infinite Gems
M Ring of the Wayfarer
M Shackles of War
M Shield of the Damned
M Sphere of Permanence
M Statesman's Medal
M Surcoat of Counterpoise
M Sword of Hellfire
M Targ of the Rampaging Ogre
M Tunic of the Cyclops King
M Vial of Lifeblood
M Cape of Silence Horn of the Abyss
M Crown of the Five Seas Horn of the Abyss
M Pendant of Downfall Horn of the Abyss
M Ring of Oblivion Horn of the Abyss
M Royal Armor of Nix Horn of the Abyss
M Shield of Naval Glory Horn of the Abyss
M Trident of Dominion Horn of the Abyss
M Wayfarer's Boots Horn of the Abyss
R Angel Wings
R Armageddon's Blade Armageddon's Blade
R Boots of Levitation
R Boots of Polarity
R Celestial Necklace of Bliss
R Crown of Dragontooth
R Dragon Scale Armor
R Endless Sack of Gold
R Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment
R Lion's Shield of Courage
R Orb of Vulnerability
R Orb of Inhibition
R Sandals of the Saint
R Sea Captain's Hat
R Sentinel's Shield
R Spellbinder's Hat
R Sword of Judgement
R Thunder Helmet
R Titan's Cuirass
R Titan's Gladius
R Tome of Air Magic
R Tome of Earth Magic
R Tome of Fire Magic
R Tome of Water Magic
R Vial of Dragon Blood Armageddon's Blade
R Horn of the Abyss Horn of the Abyss
R Plate of Dying Light Horn of the Abyss
R Sleepkeeper Horn of the Abyss
C Admiral's Hat Shadow of Death
C Angelic Alliance Shadow of Death
C Armor of the Damned Shadow of Death
C Bow of the Sharpshooter Shadow of Death
C Cloak of the Undead King Shadow of Death
C Cornucopia Shadow of Death
C Elixir of Life Shadow of Death
C Power of the Dragon Father Shadow of Death
C Ring of the Magi Shadow of Death
C Statue of Legion Shadow of Death
C Titan's Thunder Shadow of Death
C Wizard's Well Shadow of Death
C Diplomat's Cloak Horn of the Abyss
C Golden Goose Horn of the Abyss
C Ironfist of the Ogre Horn of the Abyss
C Pendant of Reflection Horn of the Abyss
Artifacts (by slot)
C Admiral's Hat Shadow of Death
R Crown of Dragontooth
m Crown of the Supreme Magi
M Hellstorm Helmet
m Helm of Chaos
R Helm of Heavenly Enlightenment
t Helm of the Alabaster Unicorn
R Sea Captain's Hat
t Skull Helmet
R Spellbinder's Hat
R Thunder Helmet
M Crown of the Five Seas Horn of the Abyss
t Amulet of the Undertaker
R Celestial Necklace of Bliss
t Collar of Conjuring
M Garniture of Interference
M Necklace of Dragonteeth
M Necklace of Ocean Guidance
t Necklace of Swiftness
M Pendant of Courage
t Pendant of Death
t Pendant of Dispassion
t Pendant of Free Will
t Pendant of Holiness
t Pendant of Life
M Pendant of Negativity
M Pendant of Second Sight
t Pendant of Total Recall
M Statesman's Medal
M Pendant of Downfall Horn of the Abyss
C Pendant of Reflection Horn of the Abyss
C Armor of the Damned Shadow of Death
m Armor of Wonder
M Breastplate of Brimstone
t Breastplate of Petrified Wood
R Dragon Scale Armor
C Power of the Dragon Father Shadow of Death
m Rib Cage
m Scales of the Greater Basilisk
R Titan's Cuirass
M Tunic of the Cyclops King
R Plate of Dying Light Horn of the Abyss
M Royal Armor of Nix Horn of the Abyss
C Angelic Alliance Shadow of Death
m Blackshard of the Dead Knight
t Centaur's Axe
m Greater Gnoll's Flail
M Ogre's Club of Havoc
m Red Dragon Flame Tongue
M Sword of Hellfire
R Sword of Judgement
R Titan's Gladius
C Titan's Thunder Shadow of Death
R Armageddon's Blade Armageddon's Blade
C Ironfist of the Ogre Horn of the Abyss
M Trident of Dominion Horn of the Abyss
m Buckler of the Gnoll King
M Dragon Scale Shield
R Lion's Shield of Courage
R Sentinel's Shield
M Shield of the Damned
t Shield of the Dwarven Lords
m Shield of the Yawning Dead
M Targ of the Rampaging Ogre
M Shield of Naval Glory Horn of the Abyss
M Diplomat's Ring
m Equestrian's Gloves
M Eversmoking Ring of Sulfur
t Quiet Eye of the Dragon
t Ring of Conjuring
M Ring of Infinite Gems
m Ring of Life
C Ring of the Magi Shadow of Death
M Ring of the Wayfarer
t Ring of Vitality
t Still Eye of the Dragon
M Ring of Oblivion Horn of the Abyss
t Ring of Suppression Horn of the Abyss
m Seal of Sunset Horn of the Abyss
M Ambassador's Sash
R Angel Wings
t Cape of Conjuring
M Cape of Velocity
C Cloak of the Undead King Shadow of Death
m Dragon Wing Tabard
M Everflowing Crystal Cloak
M Recanter's Cloak
M Surcoat of Counterpoise
m Vampire's Cowl
M Cape of Silence Horn of the Abyss
C Diplomat's Cloak Horn of the Abyss
R Boots of Levitation
R Boots of Polarity
m Boots of Speed
M Dead Man's Boots
t Dragonbone Greaves
R Sandals of the Saint
M Wayfarer's Boots Horn of the Abyss
M Angel Feather Arrows
M Arms of Legion
t Badge of Courage
t Bird of Perception
t Bow of Elven Cherrywood
C Bow of the Sharpshooter Shadow of Death
m Bowstring of the Unicorn's Mane
t Cards of Prophecy
t Charm of Mana
t Clover of Fortune
C Cornucopia Shadow of Death
t Crest of Valor
C Elixir of Life Shadow of Death
m Emblem of Cognizance
M Endless Bag of Gold
M Endless Purse of Gold
R Endless Sack of Gold
M Everpouring Vial of Mercury
t Glyph of Gallantry
M Golden Bow
M Head of Legion
t Hourglass of the Evil Hour
m Inexhaustible Cart of Lumber
m Inexhaustible Cart of Ore
t Ladybird of Luck
t Legs of Legion
m Loins of Legion
t Mystic Orb of Mana
M Orb of Driving Rain
R Orb of Inhibition
M Orb of Silt
M Orb of Tempestuous Fire
M Orb of the Firmament
R Orb of Vulnerability
M Shackles of War
t Speculum
M Sphere of Permanence
t Spirit of Oppression
t Spyglass
C Statue of Legion Shadow of Death
t Stoic Watchman
t Talisman of Mana
R Tome of Air Magic
R Tome of Earth Magic
R Tome of Fire Magic
R Tome of Water Magic
m Torso of Legion
R Vial of Dragon Blood Armageddon's Blade
M Vial of Lifeblood
C Wizard's Well Shadow of Death
m Charm of Eclipse Horn of the Abyss
t Demon's Horseshoe Horn of the Abyss
C Golden Goose Horn of the Abyss
m Hideous Mask Horn of the Abyss
R Horn of the Abyss (artifact) Horn of the Abyss
t Runes of Imminency Horn of the Abyss
R Sleepkeeper Horn of the Abyss
m Shaman's Puppet Horn of the Abyss
Admiral's Hat
Class: Combo
Slot: Helmet
Blocks: Necklace
Cost: 25000 Gold
Effect: No boarding or unboarding ship penalty. Converts movement points between the hero's land and water movement.
Component effects: +1500 movement points on water;
Summon Boat and Scuttle Boat spells;
Protects army in whirlpools.
Requires to combine:
Necklace of Ocean GuidanceNecklace of Ocean Guidance
Sea Captain's HatSea Captain's Hat
[[Image:_am-artif.gif‎ link=]][[|]]
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You trip over the Admiral's Hat, dust it off, and stick it in your pack.

Admiral's Hat is a relic class combination artifact and is equipped in the Helmet slot. Combination artifacts were first added in the Shadow of Death expansion.

In addition to the regular bonuses, the Admiral's Hat gives these advantages:

Admiral's Hat bug

A famous Shadow of Death bug, which allows a player who has Admiral's Hat, access to water tile, speed-boosting artifacts or a nearby scout with creatures of different speed in the army, and some spare time to convert all this into the immense amount of movement points.

First, how does water/dry land movement conversion work:

MPbas - basic movement points

MPact - actual movement points

WMPbas - basic movement points on water

WMPact - actual movement points on water

m - move cost (affected by a starting tile terrain penalty and Favorable Winds bonus)

Boarding MP convertion: WMPact = (MPact-m) × WMPbas/MPbas

Landing MP convertion:   MPact = (WMPact-m)/(WMPbas/MPbas)

MPbas depends on:

  1. speed of the slowest creature in the army
  2. speed artifacts (Equestrian Gloves, Boots of Speed)
  3. daily/weekly MP boosting objects visited
  4. Logistics and Navigation skills/specialties

The Admiral's Hat bug is based on the fact that MPbas is not fixed at the beginning of the day; - the game recalculates it during the turn every time one of the options described above is changed.

So it can be manipulated easily by:

  1. changing the slowest unit
  2. un/equipping Equestrian Gloves and/or Boots of Speed

The mechanics of the abuse briefly can be described as "slow boarding, quick landing". E.g.: a hero with 6th speed (1700 MP) and Boots of Speed artifact, which gives +600 MP, (and equipped Admiral's Hat, of course) boarding from the terrain without movement penalty by a straight step (m = 100). No Navigation or Lighthouse bonuses. Boots of Speed are removed for boarding and equipped for landing. The overall effect will look like:

Shore Boat Shore Boat Shore Boat Shore
1700 2823 2087 3506 2611 4431 3320

comparing to how it should work with MPbas fixed at the start of the turn level:

Shore Boat Shore Boat Shore Boat Shore
1700 2823 1543 2546 1386 2269 1229

In Horn of the Abyss MPbas cannot be changed during the day, hence the bug is fixed. Horn of the Abyss

See also: