Template:Necropolis heroes: Difference between revisions

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(30 intermediate revisions by 8 users not shown)
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{| cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="background-color:#{{Green 3}}; border: 1px solid; width: 140px; float:{{{float|right}}};"
{| cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 style="background-color:#{{Green 3}}; border:1px solid; border-color:rgba(0,0,0,0); width: 170px; margin-left: 5px; float:{{{float|right}}};"
! bgcolor={{Green 1}} style="height:25px" | {{-}}[[Necropolis#Heroes|<span style="color:white;">Necropolis</span>]]
! style="background-color:#{{Green 1}}; height:25px;" | {{link|white|Necropolis#Heroes|Necropolis}}
! align=center bgcolor={{Green 2}}  | [[Death Knight|<span style="color:black;">Death Knights</span>]]
! style="background-color:#{{Green 2}};" | {{link|black|Death Knights}}
| {{H|Charna|0=}}
| {{H|Straker|0=}}
| {{H|Clavius|0=}}
| {{H|Vokial|0=}}
| {{H|Galthran|0=}}
| {{H|Isra|0=}}
| {{H|Moandor|0=}}
| {{H|Moandor|0=}}
| {{H|Straker|0=}}
| {{H|Charna|0=}}
| {{H|Tamika|0=}}
| {{H|Tamika|0=}}
| {{H|Vokial|0=}}
| {{H|Isra|0=}}
| {{H|Ranloo|0=}}{{-}}{{withhota}}
| {{H|Clavius|0=}}
| {{H|Lord Haart|0=||image=Lord Haart Death Knight}}''
| {{H|Galthran|image=Galthran (HotA)|0=}}
|- class='onlyhota'
| {{H|Ranloo|0=}}{{-wh}}
! align=center bgcolor={{Green 2}} | [[Necromancer|<span style="color:black;">Necromancers</span>]]
| {{swh|noicon=|{{H|Haart Lich|0=||}} {{withmapedhota}}|{{H|Lord Haart|image=Haart Lich|hero_link=Haart Lich|0=||}}{{-wa}}}}
| {{H|Aislinn|0=}}
! style="background-color:#{{Green 2}};"  | {{link|black|Necromancers}}
| {{H|Nagash|0=}}
| {{H|Septienna|0=}}
| {{H|Nimbus|0=}}
| {{H|Aislinn|0=}}
| {{H|Sandro|0=}}
| {{H|Sandro|0=}}
| {{H|Septienna|0=}}
| {{H|Nimbus|image=Nimbus (HotA)|0=}}
| {{H|Thant|0=}}
| {{H|Thant|0=}}
| {{H|Xsi|0=}}
| {{H|Vidomina|0=}}
| {{H|Vidomina|0=}}
| {{H|Xsi|0=}}
| {{H|Nagash|0=}}
! style="background-color:#{{green 1}}; color:white; height:25px;" | Towns
! bgcolor={{green 1}} style="height:25px; color:white;" | Towns
{{template:Towns small (heroes)}}
{{Towns small}}

== Related templates ==
{{Template: Hero list 'see also'}}
* [[:Template: Castle heroes]]
* [[:Template: Rampart heroes]]
* [[:Template: Tower heroes]]
* [[:Template: Inferno heroes]]
* [[:Template: Dungeon heroes]]
* [[:Template: Stronghold heroes]]
* [[:Template: Fortress heroes]]
* [[:Template: Conflux heroes]]

[[Category:Navigational boxes|Heroes]]</noinclude>
[[Category:Navigational boxes|Heroes]]</noinclude>

Revision as of 23:23, 14 October 2024