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TazarTazar Tazar
AlkinAlkin Alkin
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MirlandaMirlanda Mirlanda
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Mirlanda the witch
Basic Information:
MirlandaMirlanda Class: witch
Gender: female
Specialty: Weakness
Specialty WeaknessSpecialty Weakness Casts weakness with increased effect, based on hero level compared to the level of the target unit.
Primary Skills:
Attack Defense Spell Power Knowledge
Secondary Skills:
Wisdom Advanced Wisdom
[[File:{{{skill_2}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_2}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_3}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_3}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_4}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_4}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_5}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_5}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_6}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_6}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_7}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_7}}} [[]]
[[File:{{{skill_8}}} _small.png link=]] {{{skill_8}}} [[]]
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_1}}} small.gif|{{{troop_1}}}|link={{{troop_1}}}]] [[{{{troop_1}}}|{{{troop_1}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_2}}} small.gif|{{{troop_2}}}|link={{{troop_2}}}]] [[{{{troop_2}}}|{{{troop_2}}}]] Always Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_3}}} small.gif|{{{troop_3}}}|link={{{troop_3}}}]] [[{{{troop_3}}}|{{{troop_3}}}]] Always Horn of the Abyss25% Shadow of Death
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_4}}} small.gif|{{{troop_4}}}|link={{{troop_4}}}]] [[{{{troop_4}}}|{{{troop_4}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_5}}} small.gif|{{{troop_5}}}|link={{{troop_5}}}]] [[{{{troop_5}}}|{{{troop_5}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_6}}} small.gif|{{{troop_6}}}|link={{{troop_6}}}]] [[{{{troop_6}}}|{{{troop_6}}}]] Always
[[File: Creature portrait {{{troop_7}}} small.gif|{{{troop_7}}}|link={{{troop_7}}}]] [[{{{troop_7}}}|{{{troop_7}}}]] Always
[[File:.png link={{{spell}}}]] [[{{{spell}}}|{{{spell}}}]]
War Machine:
[[File: Creature portrait small.gif link=]] [[|]] Always Horn of the Abyss88% Shadow of Death
Starting Movement Points:

She starts with a spell book and knows the spell weakness.


Mirlanda spent much of her younger days toying with the dark arts, before realizing that such a path usually leads to self destruction. She has learned to walk a fine line between good and evil, always making sure that one does not grow more powerful than the other.