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Orrin Orrin
Valeska Valeska
Edric Edric
Sylvia Sylvia
Beatrice Beatrice Horn of the Abyss
Lord Haart Lord Haart Restoration of Erathia
Sorsha Sorsha
Christian Christian
Tyris Tyris
Catherine Catherine Map Editor
Roland Roland Armageddon's Blade Map Editor
Sir Mullich Sir Mullich Horn of the Abyss (Campaign/Custom)
Adela Adela
Cuthbert Cuthbert
Adelaide Adelaide
Ingham Ingham
Sanya Sanya
Loynis Loynis
Caitlin Caitlin
Rion Rion
Castle Rampart Tower
Inferno Necropolis Dungeon
Stronghold Fortress Conflux
Cove Factory
Adela the Cleric
Adela originally contributed her skills only prior to battles. If she could not convince her commander to avoid a fight, she would at least prepare a blessing for the troops as they entered combat. She was given command of the Whitestone garrison.
Increases the Damage of units affected by Bless by 10% Horn of the Abyss for every N hero levels, where N is the level of the target creature.
10–20 Pikeman (100%)
4–7 Archer (100% Horn of the Abyss)
2–3 Griffin (100% Horn of the Abyss)

Story[edit | hide | hide all]

Adela does not appear in the story text of any campaign levels.

Appearances[edit | hide]

The following Heroes Chronicles campaign happens long before the Restoration Wars, so this appearance should not be considered canonical.

Revolt of the Beastmasters
The First Law as an enemy.

Specialty[edit | hide]

Adela's specialization increases the damage of a creature under bless for 10% Horn of the Abyss per each Adela's level in ratio with creature level by following formulas:

If Attack of blessed creature is more than Defense of attacked creature for Advanced/Expert School of Water Magic:

final_damage = (max_creature_damage + 1) * (1 + 0.05 * (Attack - Defense) + 0.10 Horn of the Abyss * Adela_lvl / creature_lvl)

If Attack of blessed creature is less than Defense of attacked creature for Advanced/Expert School of Water Magic:

final_damage = (max_creature_damage + 1) * (1 - 0.025 * (Defense - Attack)) * (1 + 0.10 Horn of the Abyss * Adela_lvl / creature_lvl)

Subtract the unit from the first parentheses for each of the formulas for None / Basic School of Water Magic.

If you want to take into account more circumstances like a Luck or an Offense and etc. which affect final damage read the article Damage.

User commentary

[Show user commentary]

See also:[edit | hide]