Walking Dead and Zombie


Walking Dead and Zombies are the level 2 creatures of Necropolis. They are recruited from the Graveyard, and can also be raised with Basic Necromancy if the hero has equipped the Cloak of the Undead King.
"Walking Dead and Zombies are magically animated corpses. Zombies have a 20% chance to cause disease in creatures they attack. Diseased creatures have their attack and defense ratings reduced by two for a period of three rounds." RoE manual
Dwellings & Portraits[edit | hide | hide all]
Heroes with a specialty[edit | hide]
Straker the Death Knight
Special Ability: Disease[edit | hide]
Zombie attack has a 20% chance of causing the living target to become ill, thus having their attack and defense values reduced by two for a period of three rounds. The effect occurs before the target stack has a chance to retaliate. Disease can only be removed with Cure spell. Since it counts as a level 2 effect, it does not affect any creatures immune to level 2 spells, and can be prevented by Power of the Dragon Father and Cape of Silence artifacts, or Cursed Ground magical terrain. Orb of Inhibition and Anti-Magic Garrisons are not hindering this ability, though.
Appearance[edit | hide]
Walking Dead appear at the beginning of the Farming Towns and March of the Undead scenarios from the Playing with Fire campaign in Armageddon's Blade, and the Poison Fit for a King and Kreegan Alliance scenarios from the Spectre of Power campaign in Shadow of Death.
Official Renders[edit | hide]
User commentary
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Zombies are bad. Tragically bad, mostly because they have the lowest speed in the game, next to the peasant. They're so bad, the AI computers usually won't buy them up or upgrade their graveyard (and you possibly shouldn't either). In the early game, they can usually go toe-to-toe with another second-level melee creature, but that's about the best you can hope for from these extremely weak level 2 creatures. Even when defending a castle, there usually are better deals than them. Save your gold. Necropolis Town is not the cheapest, and you'll want to be able to buy up those Dread Knights and Ghost Dragons when they become available. |